FuFu Love Story - First Half
- The Love because of Phenylalanine -
Are you a thrill seeker? Do you have a difficult time staying in a committed romantic relationship? Do you seek out new lover because you are addicted to the feeling of falling in love, again and again and again? Recently FuFu is addicted to the feeling of falling in love. Seriously? Wait a second, he is a man too. He needs love. Definitely FuFu is not a hopeless jerk out there.
When we fall in love, it seems like our brain don't work in the usual way. We get sweaty palms, heavy breathing or feeling breathless, we can't think clearly, heart beating incredibly fast, and it feels like we have butterflies in our stomach. Nevertheless, this feeling is wonderful. It can be triggered by something as simple as the meeting of eyes, touching of hands, conversations or reading a book.
Addicted to love? A biochemical reaction may be the cause.

Let Professor FuFu explain what is phenylethylamine - 苯氨基丙酸.
Anyway according to Wikipedia and University of Maryland, there is a biochemical explanation how this love molecule works. for such galavanting to go about with members of the opposite sex. A specific chemical in our brains called molecule phenylethylamine (PEA) is responsible for granting us euphoria when we are newly in love. The effects of this chemical wear off within six months to three years. If you haven't fostered your new love into a committed relationship by that time, you will more than likely feel the need to scratch that itch of PEA withdrawal by seeking out new sexual conquests. This is very similar to substance addiction.
Indeed, there's a whole series of biochemical pathways that are triggered when two people meet and are attracted to each other. We are all familiar with the rush of falling head over heels in love. It's intoxicating. And when PEA levels are high, adrenaline is pumping overtime and love is blind.

"Hands up!" Arrested. FuFu is now manipulated by PEA.
PEA is a neurotransmitter released in the region of our brains known as the limbic system that speeds up the flow of information between nerve cells. The limbic system controls our basic needs, emotions, and desires such as hunger, thirst, sleep, joy, sadness, and sex. It is the most primal and animalistic part of our psyche. When that part of our brain kicks in, it is usually futile to disregard its directions.
A different set of molecules, known as endorphins, is called into action when we experience true love. Endorphins are our bodies natural pain killers, and they produce feelings of calmness, warmth, intimacy, and dependability. Endorphins, which have the most positive effect among any hormone produced in the brain, work to make our bodies healthier also.

PEA is being released and circulated in the body. In trouble!
Endorphins enhance our immune system. Under stress, our immunity is compromised remarkably. Endorphins block the lesion of blood vessels, kill defective cells, also have the ability to kill cancer cells. As the Endorphins are secreted more and more, shrunken blood vessels return to a normal state allowing blood to flow in a normal manner, improving the circulation of blood. Endorphins have anti-aging effects. Endorphins are even steadier and more addicting than PEA. In fact, the longer two people are in love, the stronger the endorphins become which makes all lovers happier. Now you know why those in relationships are happier than anyone.
Adrenaline-based love is all about ourselves. We like being in love. With endorphins, we like loving. Bottom line is "Learn to love yourself, the joy of loving will follow". And if all else fails, snort a line of cocoa powder since chocolate is jam packed with PEA that gives elated feeling in love effect.

One hand is off from the trap. How about right hand? Back up! SOS
So, the phenylethylamine (PEA) is now being released and circulated in my body. I just couldn't stop it from producing by the brain. In trouble now! I have been freezing my heart in nowhere with a very good security system. Somehow a hacker managed to find the location and hack for the password. The heart is started to melt now. The itch of love had successfully sweet talked my heart! What should i do now? I don't want to have a long distance relationship because it's just so hard to maintain. I used to be decisive but when it comes to love, things just can't be done correctly! I promised myself not to involve in any love affair until i have obtained my master degree. Sadly, the hacker is really powerful! What shall i do? Back off and enhance the security system are what i can only do now. Or just follow my heart? Stay tuned for the second half.
p.s. 1 : Source | Wikipedia & Medical Center, University of Maryland
p.s. 2 : Enlightened by HKTVB Series, The Mysteries Of Love

"FuFu can be a porn star probably!", said a friend of FuFu. LOL
注 1 : 還有下半場, 敬請守候富富的部落
注 2 : 資料 - 苯氨基丙酸, 百科-百度
注 3 : 啓發 - 2010 無綫節目巡禮劇集之談情說案
Candlelyn : 哈哈哈 你也有看谈情说案? 我的版本根本就是垃圾 >< 不可以跟谈情说案比... lol 我知道如何面對的...不要擔心 :)
SuwEi : haiz...
但是沒有不可能的事情的 :)
呵呵, 緣來無法檔啊, 期待有更好的進展哦~~ :)
SuwEi : haha 我的意思是沒有擋不住的事情...
SK : 我相信我可以檔的住的... 如果我要的話 :)
哈哈, 看来你有很多爱情故事可以告诉我们了呢! :P
Akira 思胜 : 哈哈哈 你太看得起我了... 我很少經驗罷了 ><
that's when we start saying that there's a science for love. it's not in the heart alone.
dong ho : the chemistry of love :) so scientifically speaking ya nowadays :) lol
hahaha! :D Fufu falling in love?? :p well well me actually dont wan to involve in long distance relationship too but amazingly im in in now again. :/ though lucky dat still can see each other soon! :D
Hahaha Probably a future porn star... Jealous at your flat tummy. I keep on going to the gym to gain a flat one too...
fufu san, it is time to fall in love , then it is time~~
haha, dun blame on the chemical^^
juz gif a chance for both of you~~
anyway, i am in no position to gif love advice becoz stil single here.hahaha~~
jiayou ^^ in finding true love~
i think u got wrong spelling for phenylethylamine, not "Phenylethylalamine" ... :D
u got potential to be japanese porn star... pls wear gogle :D
A year without love is like A year without summer....so are u gonna freeze yr heart for a year then just open it when the summer day coming...this is a seriously thought by yrself le...
are you thinking that this is a wrong timing or could i say 分针只是刚好对不上时针,对上的时候就是对的时间了...hmm 你对你自己缺乏安全感,因为你的脚步暂时无法停留在同一个地点多一点时间....看来明年的你回到原位时你和她的安全感就能落实下来,或许又是擦街而过..有或许就是分针对上时针的时候了哟...just follow yr heart...跟随着缘分would be a better day ahead...
fufu 魅力无法挡,这次加上露毛照!又给你赢了。
Hehe, you are so amazing :D!
And, uhm, not sure if porn star was the profession your parents would want you to choose ;)
no man is an island, may not b the wisest decision but follow yr heart
Wlcome to FuFuPorn Site!!! LMAO ha ha ha ha ha! Take off your singlet and you will have 1000 hits tomorrow.
Anyway, it is nice to love and be loved.
I can quite decide whether to tell you that:
1. Love conquers all, so go for it, bro... Enjoy the rollercoaster!
... or ...
2. Dude, those look like shots for some armpit fetish site...
Caroline Ng May Ling : lol at least now you understand my feeling ya :) and glad you guys soon will catch up each other... jealous!!
Mokong™ : flat? i have a small tummy, see second picture carefully :) lol
Xjion89 : well thanks brother... i have no experience also....but i think i will make a decision sooner! wont get it affected my other stuff here...
Wois : oh.. really? because the name is too long... hahaha anyway got potential? old already lah!! lol
Winnt : yeah i am thinking of waiting for another year... because i believe if it's yours, it will be yours no matter how, when, where you are! 我已經有心理準備明年回去才開始解凍我的心...因爲我要安定下來才開始另一樣東西... 可能我不可以兩者兼顧... >< anyway 我一點也不會後悔的... 如果我們注定在一起...我們會在一起的 :)
单身汉 : hahaha 但是在愛情上 我輸得很慘 ><
Nicole : well i am supposed the one who choose my own profession right? lol just kidding... i know what i wanna do, i can be a porn star long time ago if i wanted to :) no worries
Bengbeng : yeah i will follow my heart, but still gotta get my stuff done first :) i wont let it disturb my plan that i had done earlier... anyway will see if love can fix into my life now or not... hihihi
Twilight : hahhaa fufu porn site! omg >< but well just the singlet? no problem... but i think wont hit 1000, my site is not that popular... lol agree that it's good to love and be loved
Life for Beginners : hahaha #1, well i will try my best :) #2 hohoho got such armpit fetish site?? lol
爱, 其实很简单.
rainfield61 : 我知道愛真的可以那麽簡單....但是我現在還沒有心理準備 ><
professor fufu =)
mavis : hahaha 我開玩笑的 :) 不是什麽 Professor FuFu hahaha :) 不是有很多故事...但是還會分享
No wonder chocolate is such a big hit for lovers - it's filled with Phenylethylalamine. I love chocolate a lot, now I know the reason why I always fall in love hahaha!
Great read Fufu!
The Nomadic Pinoy : hahahaa yeah that's the reason why people give chocolate on valentine's day!! glad you like the article hihihi :)
remember feel it by your heart...
without touching
without looking...
sometimes,we just fall in love because of FEEL
waiting for you next post...
i got in and now off for the long distance love, maybe feeling is important, after sometime distance really affect on it...
btw...hope u hv a happy and lovely love journey....
i got in and now off for the long distance love, maybe feeling is important, after sometime distance really affect on it...
btw...hope u hv a happy and lovely love journey....
相信你的爱会是用你这辈子的力量去好好的爱和保护...跟着你的感觉就对了...被忘记使用你的lucky star
Assolutamente d'accordo con lei. In questo nulla in vi e credo che questa sia un'ottima idea. Pienamente d'accordo con lei.
E 'vero! Mi piace questa idea, sono pienamente d'accordo con te.
Sasa : thanks :) hohoho 對呀 愛情就是那麽令人喜愛又討厭的 >< 但是我一定會想辦法去解決的 :) 希望會得到一個兩全其美的 :) 我希望我的愛會帶來歡樂+幸福 :) 其他的痛我就不要了... feel是有的 但是遠距離才是致命 >< 不然就不用那麽煩啦 =p anyway 我還是會好好的把握...不會讓她離開的 =p
bluecloud : yeah long distance really counts!!! that's what i am worrying now >< sigh... but well i will just try to manage well :) wish me all the best ya :)
Winnt : 對呀現代的愛情已經請不起考驗了...所以我需要很謹慎的考慮...不然就會出錯+後悔... 我要學用古老的方法去建築我的愛情故事 :) 希望會開花結果... 我的幸運星不是説來就回來的 >< 真的希望它會明白我的心意...在我需要的時候出現 :)
toto : 我不知道除了可可以外的東西會不會帶來苯氨基丙酸咯 ...但是見仁見智的 :) 自己開心+滿足就可以了 :) erm 至於我自己...我會處理的了...你們不用擔心哦 :) 我知道自己現在需要什麽 :) 謝謝你們的忠告 :)
Anonymous : thanks :) so you are italian? hihihi glad you agree with what i am saying here :)
aquarius : 對呀 第一次說關於我的愛情故事 :)希望你們會喜歡咯 :) 我知道..注定了的就不可以改變的...所以我不會勉強...如果是我的...始終都會是我的 :) right? hihihi
edward : 暫時還不能夠跟你們將是誰咯 :) 哈哈哈 思春期不可以拍這些照片嗎? hahaha 有什麽地方得罪的話...sorry
wow, 还有艳福,不错!
Thanks for the PEA explanation. Interesting!
So you're in love eh? don't freeze it. allow it naturally. ;)
well-worded. You're a love guru.:-D
Hahaha...thanks for sharing this lovely insight into your love life and its significance, Prof. fufu~ xP
True love knows no boundaries so my advice for you is just to follow your little heart and you'll never go wrong~ ;)
Happy being in love, fufu~ The girl you're in love in is one lucky girl! Gambateh! (^_^)v
或許暫時來一段沒有承諾的異地戀, 當你回國的時候也就是戀情的結束.....!
Sebastian Workshop : 對呀 但是時間上錯了點問題 >< sigh...
San : hahaha 對呀 很無聊的自拍了 ><
Che-Cheh : yeah i know what to do :) will allow it naturally once i have settled down by next year...
JIPP : i am not a love guru >< if not i wont be confusing now ><
Erika Toh : hihihi yeah i am always so sexy... well i mean i will put down my feeling in words and not keeping them :)
lock : 我就是不想這樣咯 >< 很辛苦的.... 更何況我不是那麽隨便的人...
edward : hahhaa 再低一點再高一點...hahaha 我不是porn star!!! >< 你想多了
Sometimes..you have to follow your heart~
tunadolphi : yupe! got it!! will just follow what my heart says :)
jia you jia you
I agree with u dat falling in love is an addiction....love is like a drug. Endorphins keep us happy and 'high', so we tend to feel attracted to things that increase its level.
Anyway...wish u all the best in ur choice.
Agnes Valerie : argh thanks :) hihihi for your support... i have make my mind up :) i am not a love addict, so it's alright for me... hehehe
小雪 : 下一篇很快就會上映 :)
Fufu! 加油! 很难给你意见,不过堕入爱河又不影响学业的话基本上我会赞同哦,而且分分钟你会因为爱的力量提前毕业呢!
Wah! How come so sexy today? LOL!!
I watched The Mysteries Of Love already and I didn't really like that show!
Btw, thanks for all these scientific explanation!! : )
bro, nice pics of u...i wonder how many girls u have killed by looking at ur pics...kekeke
venus : thanks :) 希望帶時候你會喜歡我的愛情故事 =p
gRace : 對呀 在某一個角度上來看...愛情是可以用科學解釋的...但是不是百發百中的 =p
Casendra : 哈哈哈 不可能可以提前畢業 :)anyway 我已經做了決定 :) 很快就會把下半場跟你們分享
foongpc : hahhaa where got sexy >< lol anyway the drama is so-so...
vialentino : hahaha no lah... not that sexy also :) wahahaha :)
QQ : erm...但可能是我不想自己受傷害...更何況抓不到的愛情是那麽的沒有安全感 >< 這也不是我想要的 >< 希望你們大家會明白清楚 :) 看了下半場可能會比較明白吧 :) 愛情真的要對的時間降臨+對的人出現...
嗯,欣赏你的却绝,不拖泥带水,怎样都好,都会支持你!我们大家都想在对的时间遇到对的人吧?但有时想想,何时才是对? 不到最后,又怎么知道谁才是对?
You already have the answer.
so scientific with all that love love love haha.....and fufu must be a good porn star name. lol
哇! 这篇文章好像很深奥..
Casendra : 謝謝你的支持 :) 下一篇你就知道我的決定 :) 看了再給我留言好嗎?
William : yes! i had :) hihihi
Sendo : shut up!!! >< just kidding!! i am not gonna be a porn star!! never... haha
Chris : 不會那麽難明白吧... hehe
嘩,幾時變咗Professor Lam架?哈哈
海市蜃樓 : hahaha 開玩笑罷了 :) 爲了苯氨基丙酸 冒充了Professor :) lol 不要那麽認真哦 :)
Ha ha... You shouldn't wear anything!
We can then see through your heart.
Talk about true feelings. ;)
London Caller : hallo! i am not a porn star!!!! not necessary to wear nothing when one talks his/her true feelings ok? but couldnt you see through my heart by reading this article?
He he... I don't have to read your article to see through your heart. Am I good or what?
Likewise, you don't have to be a porn star to take off your clothes. It's a form of self expression.
But what is self expression at first place?
It can mean a lot of things to different people.
London Caller : haha i bet you are good in seeing through one's heart... please never get close to me!! well i got you! erm... if i tell you i dont have the shape...acceptable? dont wanna torture the eyes of my readers here... lol i think i have enough self expression on my pictures and words... lol
Yah small tummy, but not as big as mine, I Started my workout yesterday. Posted it on my blog too. Re my program...
Mokong™ : okok will go have a look sooner or later :) but well since you are hitting the gym now...you will get the shape you want very fast ya =p haha
Aww... I can relate with this lines..."Though you may say life would not be completed without love, for the time being, i seriously don't need it. I am enjoying my single life very much. You will never know the excitement of freedom i am spending everyday now here. Of course i know what i want." :)
stay happy Fufu! :)
thepinaysolobackpacker : hahaha that's in my next post of this :) anyway glad you could relate these few sentences :) lol
you don't really choose time when to fall in love, just like you don't plan how a fall could happen... it happens
Ayie : hahaha you have the point...but i just wanna enjoy the single life a year longer :)
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