Ozlem + FuFu.
FuFu + Necla.
Turkiye 7th -22nd May 2007
Denizli, Izmir and Antalya - Part Five

After having a fun time in Pamukkale, i met up Ozlem, one of Necla`s best friends. Ozlem, a smart and charming girl was working at HSBC under her university internship programme. We walked to a recreational park near Pamukkale University. It was a great time even we just sitting at the park chatting. Our topics consisted of politic, economy, social, education and so on. FuFu travel is not only sightseeing, relaxing, city exploring, food or culture but communicate and mix up with the local as well as experience the real local life also.
The marble paved road.
Ozlem invited us to have dinner at her house. I was famished after talking and also lack of lunch. When we arrived Ozlem`s house, i was ready to attack the table. But her parents kept asking me questions. You know how it is when you are so hungry and you need to answer the questions and then after you eat a bit, you feel full? Anyway i still managed to eat most of the food i liked. Yogurt is always my favourite. Pickled cherry with syrup was way too good! Yummy!
The Celcius Library
The next day, Necla and i went to Izmir by Pamukkale express bus. We then went to the popular archaeological site lies three kilometres south of the Selcuk district of Izmir. Ephesus was an Ionian city in ancient Anatolia. The ruin of Ephesus are favourite international and local tourist attractions. If you typed Ephesus in Google, you will get sites which all starts off with `Ephesus, the best preserved classical city on the Mediterranean`.
Even Lonely Planet starts off with the same line. But it is true. It is an awesome sight to see all the preserved buildings of Roman times now in the 21st century. It was a hot, hot day. First view of the city were the remains of the Harbour Street, a marble paved road which was the most celebrated street at that time. I bet it was a grand sight during its heyday with shops,baths and streetlights along its sides and water and sewerage channels beneath.
One of the most photographed buildings in Ephesus and i am sure many of you may have seen it before either in pictures, magazines etc is the Library of Celsus. It was built by Gaius Julius Aquila to commemorate his father, Gaius Julius Celsus Polemaeanus, the proconsul of the Province of Asia during 2C AD. Celsus is buried inside the library.
The Gate of Augustus.

The Temple of Hadrian.
The Temple of Hadrian was built in Corinthian style and later,renovated and was dedicated to the Emperor Hadrian. There are beautiful friezes with scenes depicting the foundation of the city and a statue of Medusa.
Close up.
Hercules Gate.
This gate is easily recognized by the two carvings of Hercules which depict him wearing a lion's skin. Constructed in 4th century AD, it was made narrow to prevent wheel vehicles from entering the city.
The site is large, in fact, Ephesus contains the largest collection of Roman ruins East of the Mediterranean. Only an estimated fifteen percent has been excavated. The ruins that are visible give some idea of the city`s original splendour, and the names associated with the ruins are evocative of its former life. The Roman theater dominates the view down Harbour Street which leads to the long silted-up harbour. It is still used for performances nowadays amidst protests. It was orginally a Hellenistic period building which was later restored by the Romans. It can seat up to twenty five thousand people.
The Roman Theater at Ephesus.
The Odeon.
This Odeon was built in the 2nd century AD and is one of the last few buildings you will pass as you head back. Looks like a mini version of the Roman theater, it was used for theatrical performances as well as a Senate House.
The souvenir shop in front of the exit.
We missed the performance telling the story of Ephesus during Roman Empire period. Luckily, i still managed to take pictures with some of the performers. They were very friendly. After that we moved back to the city, Izmir - the third most populous city of Turkey and the country`s largest port after Istanbul.
Izmir`s famous clock tower.
One of the more pronounced elements of Izmir harbour is the Clock Tower,a beautiful marble tower that rests in the middle of the Konak pier standing 25 meters in height. The tower features four fountains which are placed around the base in a circular pattern, and the columns are inspired by North African themes.

Izmir Port, seen from Konak Pier.
Konak Pier.

Cafes along the historic Pasaport Quay.
We sat down.
Then we had a cup of cay each and enjoyed the view of Izmir port.
Broadwalk at the pier.
Heart of the city.
I saw a special sandwiches with green chilli, tomatoes and cheese sold everywhere and curiously i bought one. Well, it was a strange combination but not bad afterall. I guess it must be Izmir specialty.
Turkish authentic style of breads.

I bought this, tasted not bad.
Now, Izmir is the official candidate to host the Universal Expo 2015 under the theme, New Routes to a Better World/Health for All.

Historic street at Alsancak neighbourhood.
Streets of the historic Alsancak neighbourhood must not be missed. Here you can enjoy the various works of architecture thought to had been built in the city during the Ottoman period. The streets were completely paved with stones, and paved streets became preponderant in the city.
The Bazaar.
So the next day, we were heading down Antalya, to one of Necla friend`s hometown, Kalkan and stay at her house.

Breakfast at the bus station.
Although it was a seven-hour-journey to Kalkan, the scenery along the way to Antalya was simply amazing. It was too perfect for a breathtaking bus journey with a good bus service.
We changed bus to Kalkan in Fethiye.
We arrived Kalkan at 8pm. Dinner was served on the table when we were brought to M`s house by her father. Whoa, fries was prepared as M`s mother afraid i might not get used to Turkish food. What a thoughtful mother. And because i look skinny, piraf was specially added by the host mother. Later on, fruits and tea were served up too. We called it a night as soon as i finished taking shower.

Port of Kalkan.

What a splendid authentic home dinner.
Fufu!!! those food look so delicious!
haha, do u like it?
the buildings there are beautiful!!
and i like the view~
ah...hate u lar...everytime see u going around the world, hope so much i can be there too...envy lo...
Oh My Gosh! Yummy food.. I am so tempted now! Looks all good.. And the scenery looks good too! Nice places!
The food looks very delicious.
yvonne here...reading ur blog at rome... :)
Long time didnt visit ur blog dy... how's life over there???? Hope u really enjoying there.. Rome is super super super super HOT!!!!! I think i wont come for a 2nd time la.... maybe.. hehe...
Tmr i will bac to uk then bac to msia on coming sat...
你还在turkey hor!
by the way, 你是去世界各地找女朋友吗?
my parents just went to Turkey not too long ago. But i haven got a chance to look at their photos. But from wat u posted, turkey looks gorgeous.. I love the roman preservation.
Ozlem 的父母是想为女儿找个东方女婿吧?
Ephesus 是最具有古文明艺术代表的一个大城,从现在的照片里都可看到它的宏伟壮观,更何况是早期的辉煌时代!
Izmir 海港却予人一种截然不同的时尚感,露天咖啡座隐约流透出诱人的风情,尤其是那Kalkan 港口的夜景,已经让我心醉神迷了。。。。
最后,我预祝(希望)Izmir 申办2015年之世界博览会成功!
amazing view of turkey. the pastry looks so much more appetising than the locla bakeries here!
Interesting dinner @ Ozlem's house. Ten plates of small dishes + some burned green chilies :)
Looking at all these ruins reminds me of Gladiator the Movie....General Maximus, the Roman Senate, the evil 'Emperor' Commondus and the gladiators.
what more can you ask for? foods, views, fun girl company and shopping !
I love those ruins. The coffee shop right by the waterfront looks pretty neat. It's more communal than the coffee shops here. But the table is right at the edge? Yikes!
long time didn`t come to see u lor~~~
u look great ohhh! very 羡慕 u arr...can go so many place travel
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