FuFu Life in Frankfurt - Part Twenty Seven
17th July 2010 | Frankfurt Gay Pride Parade II
So we had a quick lunch break at Thai Express before catching up with the parade later. I paid almost Euro 10 (RM42) for a plate of spicy stir-fried chicken with vegetable and glass of lime juice. The level of spicy here in Germany is nothing thus i added few spoons of chili sauce. It's good to have spicy food when the weather is cold! After that, we were so hotly ready for the parade! LOL

Rushing to the street where the parade would travel through.

You could see policemen here and there.

The poster advertising a lesbian club in Frankfurt. Interested?

Gay's stamp! Funny!

Love Rebels.

Sea-sun-girls-holiday!!! Guys, wanna join the tour?
FuFu was forced to take picture with a drag queen @ 0:53!
Also people making money by selling bread in the parade!
A guy gave FuFu a flying kiss @ 0:07.
Pamplets/flyers of the clubs were giving out!
So we were rushing to Kurt-Schumacher Street for the last part of the parade. It was the final section so everyone was taking the chance to enjoy the parade, following the beats of ever flooding loud music and dancing while some of the people took pictures with the participants. The parade was reaching its climax but what pissed me off was a bastard suddenly pinched my right ass softly while i was taking video. I shouted "oh my god". I initially thought of my friend but i later found out it was a "mathafucka". I cursed! #@%X&
Anyway anyway, here i would like to clarify thing clear after reading the comments on my previous post. This Gay Pride Parade is one very international event held yearly here in major European cities. It attracts not only LGBT people, also tourists from all over the world. It's public. I mean to attend this parade, you don't need to be a gay/lesbian/bisexual/tranny. If you wanna give your support to the gay pride equality, you can wear what you want and be as colourful and creative as you dare to increase the acceptance from the people. Again, be open-minded and compassionate because LBGT people have been among us and forming part of our community.
Damn that muthafucka old guy pinched FuFu's ass @ 0:56.
OH MY GOD! Sexual harassment!
This event exudes fun, colour, creativity and energy. Dancing up the streets were groups of representatives from different LGBT communities as well as companies such as Deutsche Bank, CommerzBank, etc. To give yourself a taste of this delightful event tradition, take a look at the below pictures and highly recommend to spend your time watching the videos.

Wow... trannies or lesbians. Could you differentiate?

Wanna get your tilts pierced?

Giving out condoms and lubricants!

Also lollipops and candies!

Giving out gay stickers to increase the acceptance and awareness!

Gay's colour - Wave the flag!

WOW. Oh my Buddha!

Heart her/his pose. AWESOME!
Watch this video for his/her Pose!
This person having this pose during the whole parade? Salute!

On the contrary, these two drag queens are disgusting.

The next Gay Pride Parade will eb held in Kassel on the 21st Aug.

"Hallo Papa, i walk through frankfurt as tranny".

(And i have taken your car.)

They brought their own wine to celebrate.

WOW! o.O

Jesus Christ! lol

This girl striping for FuFu!

Bravo! No underwear! And FuFu was nose-bleeding!

Caught! You naughty FuFu.

Huu.... FuFu, naughty naughty.

Hey, FuFu is already an adult! Take it easy. XD

Yeah~ baby~

Oh... sexy or cute or awful?


"We are happy to be lesbian", judged from their smiles.

"Ops, when and where did you pump up your boobs?"

It's a trap! Damn, he trapped FuFu to do the blow-job! lol

Finally the parade had ended.

The pedestrian area suddenly flocked by people!

Everyone was heading to buy beer.

Everyone started the interaction with their own targets.

Only the few of us enjoying the rest of the time in Frankfurt.

Dismissed after a cup of beer. FuFu is missing his coursemates!
Games! Other spectators could take part too. Awesome right?
Didn't know Erla could jump so good!
Ops, FuFu missed the kissing session of a gay couple!
Wow, there's a pair of rabbits @ 0:37.
Wave the Flag - LGBT people are enjoying the parade very much!
Till next year!
這樣的遊行氣氛好沸騰:)大開眼界~fufu 吹的那個是什麼來?
Lucky old guy to get to pinch FuFu's ass... when do I get my turn to try? *guffaws*
summer : yes sofa!!! 哈哈哈 吹泡泡咯 :) 小時候沒有玩過?? hahaha
Life for Beginners : that mothafucka!! >< no way!!! i will kick your ass if you dare to pinch fufu's ass
wat an eye opener !!!
i do have frens who travel just to be there for the Gay Pride Parade ~ =)
*if u seriously consider bringing those LV bags back, do count me in ya... u have my email :D
迷迭香 : hahaha well i will see how lah about the bag... because still will have many stuff to bring back... :) erm well your friends are LGBT people? or just join the parade while travelling? anyway anyway at least something special to us in malaysia =p
You must be happily enjoying yr spicy chick as well as the blow job on the road!
After seeing your photos, I think I should get my tit pierced!
Which on? Left or right? Or both? Ha ha...
How come you're not in the parade to support them?
Not need to LGBT also can take part right?
I need to borrow a dress from mum first!
You wait for me next year! Ha ha...
美麗俊俏醜陋, 什麼都有, 贊!!!
It's hand job not blow job lah.
I'm doing Fufu's a lip service! Ha ha
嘿嘿 : hahaha no hot chicks there lah >< but i guess samba carnival must have millions of chicks! lol well damn... i was just blowing for fun since he was inviting me to... lol
London Caller : hahaha you should... i wanna see both your tits pierced... hahaha it's good enough to go there and take pictures... i dont wanna those people chasing behind me...wahaha
单身汉 : hahaha 對呀 什麽都有...應有盡有 =p 玲瓏滿目 :) 拍了將近900++照片
London Caller : shut up! that's just a blowwww job! take it easy kids
fufu~~finally gone wild and gay!!!~~~hahahahaha~~~their dressing, omg, I salute them for their courage!!!!~~
Xjion89 : yeah at last some of them had gone so wild!!! dare to pinch fufu's ass... damn it muthafucka
gosh! i tot i saw Fergie there! haha! wow so crowded! n eevryone enjoying thr. :D
Well~ Well~ Well~
To be fair, it was a mouth job,not quite similar to lips service。but if you insist, not objection at all, as lips was doing the job too!
hahahaa~~~~~~~ (Over!)
Well~ Well~ Well~
To be fair, it was a mouth job,not quite similar to lips service。But, if you insist, no objection at all, as lips was doing the job too!
hahahaa~~~~~~~ (Over!)
wow. what a great celebration to attend. Eye-opening. :-D
Caroline Ng May Ling : fergie the singer?? hahaha look a like only :) lol
嘿嘿 : hahahaha you guys are insane!
JIPP : yeah it was such an eye opening event ever :) even better than the cultural parade... haha
*ass kicked*
Well, that was worth it for such a firm, bouncy ass to pinch. LOL
Just kiddin', mate. All in the spirit of openness and fun, right? Just like the Pride Parade. Hehe.
Seriously though, I think I'd be quite angry if a random stranger, gay or straight, pinched my ass - sexual harassment! :P
wow...i am now imagine the whole street full with all the people with the attractive costume...haha...
some of the guys even look so girly too...
fufu, do you find any target u want?haha....
Life for Beginners : hahaha funny lah you :) "such a firm, bouncy ass to pinch" lmao
yeah bingo! it's such an insult ya... and also sex harassment >< i will be extra careful if i ever attend this parade again next year...
bluecloud : yeah just couple of hours... after the parade had ended, everyone was back to their normal lives... huuh? my heart is still locked... temporary dont wanna get myself involved or started any new relationship =p
got ur buttock been pinched by those lovely guys? hehehe
first time to visit~
Nice post,nice share....
Nice photos..
full of touching,funny,and happiness~~
wow, thanks for sharing, another eye-opening parada with all types of body, fit fat tall short.. hahaha!!
Vincent Cho : 對呀 他們真的爲了gay pride 犧牲的"谷"出去了 :)
海市蜃樓 : hahaha 最後那部分簡直瘋了...全部人都跟著跳舞 :) 很亂...不然我不會被人... >< shit!! hahaha 那就慢慢在回家欣賞咯 =p
vialentino : shit... dont mention it anymore >< sad!!!
Sasa : yeah thanks for visiting ya :) hihihi do come back more often...as i still have many nice pictures to share haha =p
SK : hahaha yes! you name it, you can get!
rainfield61 : 對呀...比那個文化遊行盛大很多...
Great Frankfurt Gay Pride Parade Part II! Some of the pictures are really funny!
Haha! You got the trap! Had you been kissing my them? ^^
Rafael Lam : hahahaha :) yeah the parade was full of wow, ouch and shit! but well overall i enjoyed a lot with my coursemates :) nope didnt get kissed by anyone....
Wow..Bravo..green, blue red, yellow...they are so colorful...
Haha....you get into sexual harrasment??...seems like you are over charming there, dont lock your heart..just open it lol then you will enjoy your next samba carnival..XD Kidding har...Thanks for bringing us to brazil...good job
It's relly fun
Hahaha..I'm sure you'll give a good "job" if the opportunty arises! Hehe
Winnt : very very colourful ya this parade :) i will surely look forward the next carnival in rio!! cant wait to be there =p well i will unlock my heart once i am back home next year ok? hahaha
simonlover : hahaha you crazy ahh??
"Ouh, Oh my gosh!"... hahahahhaha.....
Would like to see fufu cross-dress!
have a sweet dream,晚安,富富。
wow... talk about being open.... gee.... am in culture shock here ;)
eRiC : hahaha too much for you? lol
aquarius : hahaha 你那邊?? ipoh? hahaha 馬來西亞還要一段很長很長的時間才可以看到這一類的遊行哦... 被人吃豆腐一點也不好笑 >< 媽的
William : no way! hahaha stop day dreaming!
小闷瓜 : hahah 我們時差11個小時呢 :) 對呀 但是不是全部的服裝都很吸引...
Lily Riani : hahaha well i thought you are already very open minded...not yet??
lock : 對呀 :) 但是這是他們真實的一面... 雖然他麽知道醜陋...也希望我們接受...
You said no underwear but you censored it with Photoshop? Ha ha...
We want to have nose bleed like you did!
London Caller : i didnt censor lah... just couldnt snap it for you guys... but there i saw it myself =p
唉呀,干吗她是les 的~~~ T.T
你没有给他你的“大马热情之吻”也是~ :p
Wow, that is a long fun posting! I almost could not find the "post comment" tag! :)
I like your backpacking travel plan! Peru and Bolivia are on my top list too! Can't wait to see your adventure trip photos! What a great university you are attending! Keep up your great work!
i am not too keen with the gay parade but i am not prejudice about them just that the foods swayed me more! lol
fufu, why u didnt drag?
looks like you really had a great time there. one of the gays actually looks like fergy. lol
Don't call people disgusting ya.. they were just having fun. What an interesting day! So much excitement you have there. Enjoy your life to the max!
LOL! What a gay PRIDE celebration! Kind of extravagant. But then again, I can only think of four words - open minded + liberal thinking.
Did you cropped your pictures? Anyway, you managed to stay COOL. If I were you, I think I'll feel a bit antsy :)
Ivan : 哪一個她?? hahaha 他們不需要我的熱吻 >< 哈哈哈
micki : haha sorry for this super duper long post ya n_< peru and bolivia are on your top list? haha yeah you should go with me! hihihi but if not, i will share the pictures here with you ok? my uni is still ok... :)
发白日梦^^ : 對呀 竟然抽我的水!!! 真的他媽的雞蛋糕 ><
Ayie : well i bet you would have many chances to see such parade in the states... get ready ya :)
L² : why should i drag?? hahaha
dong ho : yeah i had a great time with my coursemates :) but that gay look like fregy? ya after searching the pictures on google, i think so
Shelyn : okok sorry! but i really felt uneasy... they should also care about our feeling ok? dont torture our eyes lol hihihi yeah no worries i will enjoy life to the max! =p
shloke : yeah i cropped some just for the introduction :) hahaha now only you noticed it? lol anyway Germany is still not that open minded if compared with other countries here in Europe :)
edward : 我一點也不帥咯
但可能我其中唯一的亞洲人把 ><
但他也不應該亂來的 可惡!
對呀 我是有說omg!!媽的
hahaha :) 還普通啦
看了上次那篇后,在看这篇之前已经做好心理建设了,可是还是很害羞的说. *脸红* 呵呵~
说真的,参加游行的人真的超有创意的,我是说服装上面.哈哈!也不错嘛~平时不能穿的不能做的可以在当天很理所当然地穿和做. 想想他们压抑了多久啊~~~
Thanks to visit my blog ..I Hope you visit continously
And I Hope you can Share my blog to your Friend.
One again thankyou
Woaahhh so interesting!
Saw any 'hot ladies' there? hahaha
Really interesting la to see all these photos :)
i bet this is an awesome experience!
now i come to think: howcome Brisbane's mardi gras is not that big event eh? anyway, i dont have a chance to experience it pun @@
There's always a gay pride parade every where and it's always, well, very gay! I like the exuberant mood in these parades - so mardi gras!
just like a party~
Wo.O|| 大开眼界!!
they are so open leh!!!
哈哈哈~~ FUFU 酱帅,难免会被人‘性侵犯" 的~哈哈哈哈哈哈 ><
Haha...Fufu, 眼睛大到要掉出来了。。。哈哈。。。
看看也无妨 ^^
Maybe there will be another pride in Curitiba end of this year?
Lucky you! You can attend it twice this year.
I bet it's going to be hotter in Brazil?!
呵呵, 真的是大开眼界啊! 没去见识一下真的是很浪费咯...
very wild and liberated indeed. wow. i cant believe that's how they uphold that kind of celebration. fufu naughty haha
What an interesting post! It's great that you travel a lot. You can experience the unique cultures throughout the world.
That looks quite fun.. even their games. Some of the costumes and makeup were absolutely hilarious.. =D Your captions too were quite funny. =D
Good to see everyone having a great time. ^__^
sing : hahaha 我真的也是有心理準備了的 :) 所以他們摸我的時候我也會盡量避開... 對呀 有很多美女型男都參加...也有很多醜陋的說哈哈哈哈 只要回家洗眼睛就好了... 總是要體驗一下的說 :)
FM Radio Streaming : hahaha remember to make sure your blog is worth them to visit ok?
Che-Cheh : hahha many hot ladies there ya :) did you find any hot guy you wanna me get back from you? lol
uLi.佑莉 : yeah glad you found this post interesting ya :)
嘿嘿 : hahahhaa yeah pussy!!! but just a second i guess... because she was dancing :) couldnt see it carefully lmao
安东尼 : hahahaha so you wish brisbane would have a bigger one? lol go to sdyney, i bet it's better over there...
The Nomadic Pinoy : hohoho yeah almost all major cities but not in southeast asia/asia ><
ah_man : yeah a big party ya :)
嘉CacinG進 : hahhaa 帥也不一定要被人摸的咯 >< 可惡的想法 >< hahaha 但是真的大開眼界
Casendra : ahhaha 你大開眼界還是我的眼睛大?? 我的眼睛很小罷了 :)
toto : 哈哈哈 我覺得一點也不妖氣沖天 :) 還蠻好的說... 只不過是我們亞洲人沒有看過罷了... anyway 泰國真的什麽都有咯 .... 那以後我也要去見識一下...
梦旅飞 : 對呀 看看無妨哦
又不需要給錢的說 哈哈哈
London Caller : yeah it's getting hotter here... but sometime can be chilly for no reason... well i am not sure if curitiba would have such parade but will definitely try to be there no matter what kind of festival ya :)
Akira 思胜 : well真的咯...在國外不去多看看真的會很浪費的說 :)
Sendo : naughty? hahhaha i just wanna be there and see such common event held in european countries every year :)
Shell (貝殼) : 對呀 針對 包羅万有 :) 看到要洗眼睛 lol
Elisha : yeah what a nice experience to be able to attend such nice festival while i am abroad... good to broaden my thinking also ya :) hihihi
Harumi : yeah we had fun there... glad you like this post ya :) hihihi will show you more about frankfurt once i am back next year =p wish they would have more and different costumes :)
Fact: Girls who are having a good sex thing stay in New York. The rest want to spend their summer vacations in Europe.
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