FuFu Life in Frankfurt - Part Twenty Seven
17th July 2010 | Frankfurt Gay Pride Parade I

"Proud of Our Diversity" | Frankfurt Gay Pride Parade 2010.
This year, the Gay Pride Parade and its demonstration are under the slogan "Proud of our diversity". Diversity includes difference. Diversity can be enriched, instead, if you tolerate, accept and not afraid of it (Source : CSD Frankfurt's website). Gay movement in Europe had already reached homosexual equality in 40 years. Yet, they still face discrimination even nominally liberal European countries and have to work in social and legal context, demanding for equality and recognition. This is no ground for discrimination - either on the part of straight people, nor on the part of homosexuals and transsexuals.
As what the slogan aims for, more tolerance and acceptance to homosexual within the European community. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are different from heterosexuals only in their sexual orientation gathered today in Frankfurt and presented an impressive parade! It's my first Gay Parade ever and had a blast time with my coursemates before we left Frankfurt. As usual, had insanely taken more than 1000 pictures in couples of hours.

Walking to Römer from the subway station.

It's packed with people!

Standing on the meeting point and waiting for coursemates.

Gays include also Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender people.

It was really a funny parade with music and people doing some jiggles. The street was packed with Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) people and i almost couldn't get my way through the crowds to the meeting point with my coursemates. Once i was there suddenly i was surrounded by many interesting figures with heavy make-up on their body and faces and outrageous costumes. Men either disguised as women in grand but silly costumes or scantily dressed and making more merry than anything.
After a while i realised that it was actually quite a sight and amusing that i eventually enjoyed the madness every second I remained there while snapping and taking videos and followed the beats of ever flooding loud music. The whole parade would take two hours so we decided to get something for lunch. While searching for food, i just couldn't stop myself from snapping and taking videos until my friend Erla had to pull me away. Worth to mention that, i was forced to take pictures with a guy(or lady) with a strange wig.

The poster of the parade.

The Gay Pride Flags flying everywhere in the city.

Oh, this lady-man is damn so sexy!

Wow... bling bling bling...

Hardcore type!

Erla with the UM guy!


Aww... here is a cute boy for you all!

You guys gotta watch the video to check out his Chinese name.

I have no idea, but I need therapy after taking this photograph.

OMG, he should go to Thailand or Korea for the surgery!

The only day GLBT people dare to kiss in public.

This guy dances pretty good!

Les-peranza party! Anyone?

The cock-ordinator! lol

Know why European countries are all very clean?

Because they clean the venue of any event right after it'd finished.
Don't believe? Check out this video!
So finally the parade has started!

Compared with the cultural parade, this Gay Pride Parade is bigger!

The number of visitors increases more than double.

To have a taste of this delightful event tradition before Part II
Take a look at this clip.
nice parade! aiya those guys so handsome n cute, y become gay?! LOL
Caroline Ng May Ling : hahahaha very handsome right some of the guys... why? wasted? hahaha normally handsome and nice guys are gay... too bad for you girls... lol
It looks so different.
Oh, the scene has been shifted from Brazil to German.
Really? You are one of them?
rainfield61 : haha well wanna get all my old pictures that couldnt be uploaded when i was in germany now :) hohohoo wanna share with you guys :) i am just a visitor =p
Ohhhh.. some of them are really so handsome! such a waste! too bad. :(
fufu, you said handsome guys are gay, meaning that you're..? are you? haha XD
tehooo : i am not handsome lah please >< very bad looking... yah some girls also hot but they are lesbians... and i didnt expect to see so many lesbians o.O
oo..some photo of them...the guy make up as 兔女郎....cant stand it...
三吉 : hahaha some of them really disgusting... but well that's the way they wanna showcase to all... salute they had such great courage!
ha i tot the cute guy(泪火梦)that you showing is u ...
i think he is the highlight of the pride parde?
Haha, I cant help myself to stop laughing! Funny and creative costumes!!! XD
文员 : do i look like 泪火梦?? oh mg god!!!! hahaha erm well i dont know if he was the highlight or not... but well definitely he is one of the hottest guy i gotta say... because i saw many people chasing after him...
Akira 思胜 : hahahaa very different to us right this kind of parade... :) i just need to wash my eyes after seeing some particular extraordinary people with STUNNING costumes...lol
Wow! You've got many pictures of this Frankfurt Gay Pride Parade!
I think it's funny and interesting, well done!
Re: i love shanghai!!!!! hohohoho wanna go back...been to the expo already??
Thanks fufu, I love Shanghai too!
Hope you can go back to there and visit the
China pavillion, they will perment installed there!
I already came back to Macau, I only went to expo for one day...
wow, very interesting parade!! have heard of all these mardi gras but never seen any in real..
omg, 淚火夢is ur dream guy?!
hahaha, i am sure u oso very popular over thre, a lot of ppl chasing u loh~~~
anyway, it is quite interesting; but, it would be better if there are less beers, cigarettes; more music and party~~~hahaha
cool! funny, artsy, and liberating! i wish i can witness a parade like that here in PI! :D
Rafael Lam : i still have hundreds of pictures :) lol yeah very interesting parade =p hohoho yah i heard they wont demolish the china and other pavilions...worth to pay shanghai a visit again :) good!
SK : yeah now you saw them here right? it's also an eye-opener for me :) next would be the samba parade here in brazil lol
Xjion89 : huuh? what are you talking? i am not popular here lah (either gemrany or brazil)...so bad looking... anyway anyway yeah the parade will be better if with less cigarettes but more music and dance lol
thepinaysolobackpacker : erm i think except Thailand, southeast asian countries are still not that open for such parade...hahaha :)
I found their costumes were quite interesting and stunning too! BTW, what therapy are you gonna take after taking the photo of that old lady "sexy" man? Hehehe.... I also saw them distributed some cards with words (slogan?) written on them. What were the cards about? :)
So far how's your life in Brazil?
edward : i wanna wash my eyes >< disgusting... but well bravi to them as they are brave enough to put on such costumes... anyway wish they would take care of the visitors' feeling lol
nice photos. keep it up!:-) aiyo, can't stand some of ur female readers seriously, fufu, so stupid..what do they mean 'wasted' 'y become gay'?!! Hello, it's like now is 2010 not 1990, omg, like from kampung...just because you go to gay pride they think you could be gay, so silly. Don't they know precisely BECAUSE the guys are handsome and nice, more likely to be gay? like duh...they must think all the gay guys must be perverted and ugly, otherwise is called 'wasted'..so stupid, like village people never go out...sorry, just surprised and dissapointed at how little some malaysians have progressed in terms of lgbt acceptance/understanding, its like the time still stand still for them..
LGBTs have always been among us, forming a part of our society. People should be open-minded and compassionate. Well it's good to see people who are trying to make sure everyone is treated equally. I can't wait for Asian to move forward.
I have gay friends and I'm fine with them. I think they will tell you "I'm no different than you. I have eyes so see, ears to hear, and a heart that loves. No one in this world is perfect".
Thanks for sharing, fu!
wow....is quite a special parade,there are so many suprise that shoot by u when go through the place...
their clothes are so unique and they are enough confidence with their special design of appearance....
thanks for ur sharing on this special parade that will totally not happen at my place....
oh Gay Pride Parade! I think it will never happen in South East Asia!
thanks for sharinf such a glimpse! very interesting indeed! :)
wow, interesting parade, interesting people!
thanks for the cute handsome guy photo too! 让我大饱眼福~ haha!
eh, where's the photo of u with the guy(lady?)?
Wow! What an interesting parade! I've never been to the real thing, only see it on TV or online.
Wow! Really 大开眼界 :D Not sure if got lesbian parade or not? :D
we want to see you in the picture, in underwear!!!! hahahaha
Must have been a blast!
还有那个你说那个跳舞很厉害的车顶帅哥我好想看他跳舞咯..可惜短片里看不到很多. 哈哈! *好害羞哦*
p/s:期待samba parade!!!肯定hot hot hot的呢! ^^
4 words to describe: 大開眼界!
what can i say..hmm...actually some of them are look disgusting, i mean their dressing...hahaha..except the guy who name 泪火梦, quite handsome la~~ XD
Actually, I don't believe that it's true most of the time to say most handsome and cute guys are gay. Most of the guys in the videos and pics you posted makes me wanna puke....lol
Best parade! aiya those guys so handsome n cute
Aiya... The only wasted thing was that you didn't join the parade with your pants on lah.
I guess your comments will suddenly jump to 1,000 if you put your hot pictures of yourself in the parade here.
But I think the best gay pride must be in London!
Its like the whole town has turned into pink every summer.
Alamak, it's 2010 you're still homosexual, transexual, heterosexual, bisexual?
Too old school liao lah.
Now it's pansexual! Ha ha... You can have sex with anything!
Have you heard of Objectum Sexual?
Hmm... I am like a sex expert!
PS: Those are not lady boys. They're drag queens.
hcpen : well appreciate your comment here.. well yeah not only malaysians, most of the people in asian or even in europe still could accept GLBT people... that's why they are still having such parade every year to fight for their rights... wasted is just to express they missed a handsome boy, just like guys will claimed wasted on a girl who attached with an ugly guy, take it easy... most of the people still need time to accept, just like the women president/prime minister... relax!! i dont mind how poeple think about me, because i am who i am, i cant control their minds...(probably some of the are kidding with me here ya) just those who know me well will understand me, and i dont need all to know me well... :)
shloke : yeah most of my LGBT friends are very friendly :) and funny also ya :) hihihihi erm agree with you that we are all the same... just our sex preferences are different =p Europe has been fighting for more than 40years yet the people still keep fighting for the equal rights... i wonder ho many years Asian countries need to move forward towards LGBT's right...
bluecloud : you are welcome :) it's my pleasure to share with you all here ya :) do come back often as i still have many stuff wanna share with you guys =p it's very special to me too, glad you guys enjoy this post :) i have part two also, hehehe more pictures and videos =p stay tuned lol
Feeling : hahaha southeast asia? i think Thailand is potential to be the first country to have such parade :) hehehe
Big Boys Oven : glad you like this post :) hehehe
Shin : hahahaa 不要給你老公聽到哦 :) well, the lady guy forced to take picture with him, and his friend snapped it, so i dont have the picture >< anyway it's funny :) think i will go to the parade again next year, because this year my lens has broken so the pictures not so good ><
foongpc : hahhaa then you have to come to Germany next year around mid of July :) hahahhaa if you ever wanna see the parade yourself :)
uLi.佑莉 : hahaha well lesbian is also Gay here in Europe, as what i mentioned, Gay includes lesbian, bisexual and transgender ya :)
ah_man : 對呀 我很榮幸可以看到這一類的parade :) 你要游一次?? 你也要爭取哦?? hahah 支持你!
Mr.D : hahhaa omg >< you will never get to see such pictures!!!! you gotta pay to see it you know?? lol
William : yeah i enjoyed a lot with my coursemates :) hihihi
sing : 哈哈哈 對呀 我也是大開眼界
真的很乾淨哦 :) 不愧是歐洲 :)
要有心理準備哦 ><
不止德國的frankfurt每一個大城市都會舉辦 :) 全部都會事在夏天 如果你真的打算來看的話就要安排咯 =p
淚火夢? 哈哈哈 是全場最好看的 :) 很多人圍著他拍照哦 :) 那個跳舞的, 我要看看有沒有更多他的videos, 下一篇跟你們分享 =p
lock : yes! 真的大開眼界 :)
店长 : hahaha yeah that 淚火夢真的很棒咯 :) 你要他的話可以來德國 :) 其他的真的很噁心 對不對?
Anonymous : hahahaha well most of the good looking gays must not have taken part :) only few of them... and i agree with you, most of the participants are bad looking, some even disgusting ><
FM Radio Streaming : yeah nice parade! hahah come here for the nice guy you like =p
嘿嘿 : 你講什麽?? hahaha 不明白
London Caller : shut up! i will never join this kind of parade! even you pay me, unless 1million pounds lol well pansexual?? Objectum Sexual?? omg, you are really one sex expert!!! i only know about tanga... head most of the single man will have it lol too bad i dont have >< i so wanna go to london for the parade...pink?? hahahha i wanna see... hihihi :) drags queen? ok now i knew it!! hahaha
I think Mardi Gras in Aussie is held in much larger scale right? Adam Lambert performed there before i think... XD
This reminds me of the Cyndi Lauper song 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun', except here it's Girls AND Boys AND Everyone in Between who wanna have fun! ;)
Brilliant snapshots of the parade, as usual. You are gifted at capturing all these colourful moments, my friend FuFu. :)
lesbians are beautiful! bring them over to the philippines.
And that's a pride every respectable human being should have. Equality for all! It's not about how one looks or how one dress, the essence of a person's sexuality lies in the hearts of hearts and also, the libido.
Nice post fufu! :)
lol...i like their special costume.
haha...i like 2 c those handsome good looking gay. however lesbian nt so interest =p
Holy cow, this is amazing!
I would have loved to be there and shoot some shots too. What a bunch of interesting faces and people!
Wao...their culture so open. I'm still can't accept guy kissing guy...disgusting.
i cant imagine this parade in conservative msia
Ha ha... That's just one part of me!
There used to be a TB programme called "Sex Etcetera" or something... I learnt all those names from there!
Ha ha... Very entertaining and educational!
Got wax, toy, BDSM, maid, cowboy, too many things to mention. Also got Asian section - maybe you'll like this section! Ha ha.
Here in UK, you can see naked people having sex on the TV. But by law, they cannot show you erected penis. However, for educational purpose, they can by-pass this law.
For example, just a couple of months ago, there's one TV programme about UK's Teenage sexual issues. They put a lot of erected penises there and explained the difference of "grower" and "shower". Ha ha ha...
Do you know what "grower" and "shower" are?
Basically, if your penis is short or medium size when soft but it "grows" to a much greater size when hard. We call you a "grower".
"Shower" is when you have a rather big cock when flaccid, it only grows an inch or two when hard. It's like putting on a show, that's why it's a "shower".
Ha ha... English is the best language to learn sex!!
London Caller,
They are more SHOWER, aren't they?
tQ for cockordinating the videos & pixz. A great eye opener..
I guess going to parades has been one of your hobbies in Germany! Haha~ Anyway, I think they serve as great experiences to you, to see how diverse this world can be!
I am gay. I like men. LOL. =D Am I welcome?
eRiC~ : i dont know about aussie, but basically major cities in europe will have larger scale of gay pride parade :) frankfurt one is middle class i would say :) that Adam Lambert? i have no idea... hahaha
Life for Beginners : i youtube the song, and nice!! hahahaha yeah everyone needs to have fun ya :) haha i dont take good pictures as yours... erm i dont have good lens... poor student... sigh
dong ho : hahaha yeah some of the lesbians are pretty...bring to philippines for the girls there? lol
单身汉 : hahaha 不客氣 :) 那你們有沒有增廣知識了呢?
Wee Han : yeah cant agree more than you ya :) heart of the hearts!! hahaha well everyone deserves his/her own right... but still the society has not ready yet to accept LGBT people...lol more time needed :)
猪公主 : yes for you... because i like looking at hot lesbians :) some of them really sexy you know? kust like those hot handsome guys you wanna look at =p haha
Nicole : i know it's hard for you to see such parade in middle east... but didnt you attend such parade when you were in europe before? dont tell me this is your first time ya? hahaha
Yih Yann : well so they should kiss at home and not in the public huuh? anyway they only kiss in public on that day... you have to be open minded :)
Bengbeng : yeah i guess so... almost all countries in Asia ya =p hihi
summer : 對呀 我們還要等幾百年吧 :) 哈哈哈
London Caller : wow you are giving me a lecture here, arent you??? hahaha well i an learning :) hahaha write more!!! :) i am a grower... :) chinese is great too, just probably we dont know those terms in chinese ya :) hahaa
发白日梦^^ : 哈哈哈 真的啦..有些真的很噁心咯...要吐了
嘿嘿 : hahaha well i assume we have both shower and grower everywhere in the world :)
Bananazஇ : hahaha glad you enjoy the videos and pictures... more to come!! lol
豪少 : yeah not a hobby actually, just dont wanna miss out those event held in germany while i was there :) hihihi then share with you guys here... those events also broaden my mind :)
cleffairy : huuh??? are you alright? you are not a woman??? no kidding... anyway i dont mind if you are gay... that's not a requirement to be my friend :)
aiya.. so sad... the guy who have chinese name 1 is so handsome and Q why gay... haiz,, lose a chance
ScorpioPEGGY : hahahaa yeah he is very handsome ya... but a bit sissy... anyway wish you could get one better in malaysia :) hahah all the best
小雪 : 對呀這個遊行真的很特別哦 對我們來説 :) lucky我可以有機會親眼看到 =p
Ha ha... Most Asians are "growers".
Because there are more Asian people in this world (thanks to China lah) So, statistically there are more "growers".
But it doesn't matter if you're grower or shower.
Length is not the problem.
The problem is how to use it correctly!
Ha ha... I'll teach you that next time lah!?!
But I guess you learnt most of it in Japan already, right?
London Caller : as long as it works, be it grower or shower!! who cares?? haha and like what you said, skill is more important than size :) haha i am a good boy until now... was still a innocent boy when i was in japan XD
That is so true, we shall learn from the clouds! Beautiful writing about the sky and clouds! Four seasons in a day, ha! you would have to dress in layers! :)
micki : yeah true!!! always have my jacket with me... when it's cold... just put it on =p we all should learn from all mother nature :)
Wow, what a fun gay parade! And I like how they observe cleanliness by cleaning up immediately after the parade. Oh how I wish, we can also do that in the Philippines.
Its great resource. i was finding that type inf and now i get it.thanks for this...
wah...envy those gays body...wish to have their body...kekeke
June : yeah true! i wish malaysia can do it also ya :) because it's one very important issue to attract more visitors =p and improve the country's image... hihihi nice parade ya...
海市蜃樓 : 哈哈哈 這裡雖然有這個遊行...但還是還沒有完全接受的...不然他們不會每一年都遊行來爭取他們的權利 :) anyway 他們還是比我們/亞洲開放多了 =p
Love poems : well glad you dind it helpful ya :)
vialentino : hahaha because you are not gay, so you dont need such body =p hahaha but well some LGBT people are really disgusting ><
Nice shoot, video shows that they try to perform and dance nicely,cool. besides the funny video show, yr readers comment really makes me laugh not stop...today i really learn alot new words about sex....hahaha
We are all human being, it doesnt matter if you are gay or lesbian, we all equality....who cares..Hmmm do plan my euro trip early...hahah
I hate gays..their body shape are great but.. what a waste..
I like the cleaning part, hope Malaysia will care about cleaning like there too.
Winnt : yeah kudos to london caller!!! i also learned a lot from him lol :) erm well love is for everyone... LGBT people also need :) we are all human beings ya wish more and more people would accept them, so they dont need to have such parade, fighting for the equality =p
MASA : hahahaha why wanna hate them? they also dont want to be like that... erm well we are all human beings :) dont even try to discriminate anyone lol
Skill? Aiya... not skill.
It's technique! Ha ha.
You can master the skill but you cannot fully understand the technique if you don't try harder! Ha ha...
Anyway, you come my place today.
I posted something about Brazil.
Also, I think my Japanese is a bit strange.
Please let me know if you see anything funny. OK?
Nice pics and videos of the parade. I like your open mindedness - it's interesting reading your responses to some of the comments. Thank you. :-)
Wow! I have never seen so many gays before gathering in one place. I believe such gathering will never be allowed in Malaysia.
yum yum.. they have a nice body shape.. >.<
Thanks Fufu for your corrections.
I don't use those Google Translate online tools.
They only translate words NOT meanings.
It's all written by me. ;-)
But I write everything in English first.
So my Japanese may sound a bit English?! Ha ha...
London Caller : damn you are the sifu man!!! so i think i better do more later so i can master the skill... haha
Matt : haha glad you enjoy reading both my post and replies :) hihihi miss reading your blog too, wish i have time to update my xanga more frequent =p
jam : yeah my first time seeing so many LGBT people gathered in one day from all over the world...
Vincent Cho : hahaha yeah most of them have nice body >< we are the loser ><
天王之子 : 對呀 這一天最熱鬧的 =平
London Caller : yeah it's the same! probably you just translate directly from english ya... try to think in japanese :)
》damn you are the sifu man!!! so i think i better do more later so i can master the skill... haha
Wow! the pride seems very nice... Lots of ah GUA ler..
ha ha ha, got cock ordinator also...ha ha ha!
great to be back.. lovely pictures
now having a good read of your blog
Casendra : 我也是把眼睛大大地打開開了
Ivan : 對呀 蠻帥的說
London Caller : 切磋?? 你瘋了拉... hahhaa anyway 我還真的要好好學習... lol 明年後...
Anonymous : #$#^$#&*^%#*(W%!#@%$$&(
Chris : hahaha yalor...many ah gua! =p
Pete : yes! hahahaha :)
Leon Koh : yeah welcome back :) glad you like my pictures :) happy to hear from you because i like your photography too XD
First time seeing this type of parade. But it does look quite amusing and interesting, especially their flashy costumes. =D
And yep, there are really good looking guys and I see more bishounen. Glad to know bishies do exist in real life too, and not just in manga. =D
Thanks for ur sharing on this special parade that will totally not happen at my place....
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