Tuesday, 8 October 2013

FuFu Travel | Malaysia Tourism Hunt 2013

Many thanks to Sham from Gaya Travel Magazine who invited me to join this Malaysia Tourism Hunt (started last year). 

Under the group of media (blogger), I was given a chance to take part this year with local media representatives and more than 15 ASEAN participants from Brunei, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. 

Registration of this tourism hunt was at The Everly Hotel in Putrajaya. I checked-in at 5pm. Got the goodie bag, with Visit Malaysia Year 2014 t-shirts & polo tees, participant's handbook, tumbler, Media tag, goodie from Tourism Malaysia, etc. 

The welcome dinner was at 7pm. I spent an hour walking around the hotel. To the wetland park, to the lake, and to the shopping mall. Dinner started at 7.30pm. I saw several friends I met during the previous trip to Terengganu. Food was alright. Briefing of the tourism hunt (explanation of the itinerary, safety, etc) started at 8.30pm. 

Called it a day at 11pm after a hot shower. 

Taken by iPhone 4S. 22/09/2013

The Everly Hotel Putrajaya by the lake. 

Breathtaking landscape at the park just beside the hotel

You must cycle or walk around - highly recommended

Alamanda Shopping Mall

Sunset before the welcome dinner

7:30pm - Waiting to be seated

Chicken, Beef and veggie

Yummy cakes

Sago Peach with Gula Melaka (Brown Sugar)

Second bowl with strawberry :)

Briefing of the tourism hunt

Goodies from Tourism Malaysia

Monday, 13 May 2013

FuFu Travel | PACABA - The 13th General Election

I am sharing what I had written on my Facebook right after completing my volunteer as a polling agent on the 5th May 2013. Here it goes,

" I'm feeling so proud of myself being a polling agent at Behrang Ulu, Tanjung Malim. I'm here to make sure the election is clean and fair. I am doing my job as a polling agent, checking the name and ID Card of every voter.

However, I am very disappointed. Two unknown buses came to my polling centre. The PACABA volunteers suspected they are hantus (phantom voters) and disallowed them to enter. Now the gate is closed, strictly for valid Malaysians only.

It's very important to have volunteers to be there at every polling centre. Again, I feel damn so proud of myself, preventing fraud voting to be happened, at least at my polling centre. Ini Kali Lah. We deserve a better, clean and fair government. UBAH! "

And I really encourage everyone to be a volunteer for the coming elections. Do what you can for your country, please. Action speaks louder than words, prove it!

當我正在履行我選舉監督員的工作的時候, 我聽到外面發生爭執, 很吵鬧! 後來我的工作崗位被代替之後, 其他自願的選舉監督員告訴我剛才有兩輛巴士載著幽靈投票者. 我們自願隊不讓他們進來投票! 媽的, 你們盡然玩到這樣骯髒, 都已經是21世紀了, 我們全部都有智能電話, 可以很快把這些消息散布出去, 你們等著受法律的制裁吧!

最後, 我感到很驕傲. 很自豪因為我參與和監督了這一次選舉神聖的一個崗位. 可以為更好的馬來西亞出一份綿力, 我真的為我自己的行為感到自豪, 因爲多一張幽靈選票就是等於少了一份改朝換代的力量. 在此, 我真的和希望大家, 如果可以的話, 日後的選舉勇敢地站出來做選舉監督員! 不要光著講, 請用行動來證明. 謝謝.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

FuFu Travel | UBAH


五月五, 我們也要五霸!


其實我們不止需要以上這五霸. 在很多方面還需要不同的五霸, 這樣我們的國家才有未來, 國民才可享福.

五月五號, 馬來西亞全國第十三界的選舉, 請大家回家投票. 記得要投給火箭或白月或藍眼 (投黨不投人). 登記了投票但資料沒有被記錄, 沒有投票權的朋友們不要灰心, 你們還可以出一份綿力, 趕快成為選舉工作人員或檢票員. 不要讓外勞決定我們的未來. 你們神聖的一票或那一份綿力都是改朝換代不可缺少的.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

FuFu Travel | Ini Kali Lah

The 13th national election will be held in three weeks. Please check your your polling venue and the time. Make sure you know where to vote and until when you can vote. We need every little single vote for a better ruling party. Ini Kali Lah. :)

三個星期後就選舉了. 大家要注意自己的選區和投票時間. 這一次的改朝換代選舉一票都不能少.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

FuFu Travel | Parliament Dissolved

Finally, the Parliament is dissolved. It's time for ELECTION. 國會終於都解散了. Parlimen sudah dibubarkan. :)

Monday, 1 April 2013

FuFu Life | The Journey to Japan

十一年前的那個愚人節, 是富富人生精彩的開始.

2002年4月1號. 對, 沒錯, 就是愚人節. 早上7點, 我一個人乘搭巴士去吉隆坡, 從 Masjid Jamek 地鐵站去 Ampang Park 地鐵站, 步行15分鐘之後, 我來到了日本大使館. 

從駐大馬日本大使館大使的手上拿了當晚飛往日本大阪的飛機票, 我開始幻想乘搭飛機那種感覺, 飛機在天空上飛翔那種架勢, 不禁地一個人傻笑了幾秒. 當天的聚會, 有關政府機構的官員也有出席. 他們都是跟我們這一班獲獎學金的學生們講解一些向日學習的大道理. 拍了全體照之後, 吃了一塊三文治, 喝了一杯橙汁, 我就趕著回家鄉了.  

吃了家人給我打包的那盒海南雞飯(有加料 - 燒肉) 之後, 心情突然變沉重了. 把身體清潔乾淨之後, 就立刻把放在床上新買的長袖衣及牛仔褲穿上. 分秒快速地把家裡濃厚的沈重都給打碎了. 載我們去機場的叔叔到了家門口, 他匆忙地把行李拿上車. 

那個年代日劇當紅, 雖然曉得幾個日語單詞, 去機場的路途中還是擔心怎樣可以在日本活出一片藍天. 畢竟當時出國留學不普遍, 我這個長男又是第一次出國, 更是去一個陌生的國度.


日本航空地勤姐姐收了我的行李之後, 很親切地給我登機卡, 還教我如何去登機廂等候上機. 畢竟那是我, 第一次, 一個人, 坐飛機. 母親也再三的吩咐要好好照顧自己, 常寫信及打電話回家. (幸好當時還沒有視訊, 不然現在我不會有很多日本的郵票.) 

遠遠的, 我看見幾張熟悉的臉孔. 原來是在吉隆坡求學的家鄉朋友來送機. 中六的同學也有來. 相機閃了幾次, 擁抱了幾次... 

"乘搭日本航空的乘客們, 請您現在就開始來到XX登機廂等候登機. 謝謝." 

拿著送機禮物與食物, 我慢慢地走向登機入口. 沒有眼淚, 我開心地笑著跟大家道別. 

就這樣, 2002年的愚人節, 21歲的我, 獨自踏上五年的國外留學生涯.

Friday, 1 March 2013

My Blog :)

我的部落格被提名了 - 馬來西亞國際旅遊部落客獎. 很慚愧, 因為我很久沒有更新了, 這是一個很好的鼓勵與肯定. 為了明年可以拿到這個獎項, 我要從新出發開始常更新部落了.

My blog is norminated! Malaysia International Tourism Travel Blog!! Jesus, it's been a long while since I last updated my blog. Shame on me. This, however, is a good encouragement and my most importantly, my previous achievements were appreciated. I promise, I will update my blog often from this month onward! Have been traveling all over the world (56 countries) and now exploring Malaysia, I will do my best to get the award back home next year.