Friday, 1 March 2013

My Blog :)

我的部落格被提名了 - 馬來西亞國際旅遊部落客獎. 很慚愧, 因為我很久沒有更新了, 這是一個很好的鼓勵與肯定. 為了明年可以拿到這個獎項, 我要從新出發開始常更新部落了.

My blog is norminated! Malaysia International Tourism Travel Blog!! Jesus, it's been a long while since I last updated my blog. Shame on me. This, however, is a good encouragement and my most importantly, my previous achievements were appreciated. I promise, I will update my blog often from this month onward! Have been traveling all over the world (56 countries) and now exploring Malaysia, I will do my best to get the award back home next year.