10th - 14th June 2009 + Lap Seven +
Finished exploring the colonial heritage sites and gorgeous mansion, it's time to head to Batu Feringgi for sun, sea, sand and sunset. Well, Batu Feringgi is synonym with luxury villas and splendid resorts by the long stretch of sandy beach. One of such resorts i went to is the Golden Sands Resort.

"Are you staying here?" curiously the guard asked.
"Yes!", playing with his DLSR camera like a tourist.
"What is your room number then?"
"322", his lucky number, wish the guard would not check.
"Oh i see. Enjoy yourself then."
"Yohoo...", see how FuFu successfully sneaked into the resort.

Very quick FuFu found a nice place for sunbathing.

The resort offers a nice place to laze away the whole day.

It's not peak season so the resort was only 20% occupied.

Remember to enjoy the nice sunbathing here.

Malay, English and Japanese. Chinese won't come to Batu Feringgi?

Whoa, let's start with the beach.
After an hour of sunbathing, i decided to strolled around the beach. Anyway, the beach itself is nothing special actually, a narrow stripe of sand with several bistros lining up. This long stretch of sandy beach on a relative scale, is not as gorgeous as those i have been.

It's a super fine day! Nice for all water sports.

Yet, FuFu rather enjoyed strolling leisurely along the long stretch.

You can see much of the greenery here in Batu Feringgi.

FuFu walked to the Rasa Sayang Resort.

You certainly could enjoy a private holiday here in Rasa Sayang.

The best spot to enjoy the ocean and sunset. Good!

This is what FuFu approves it as a five star resort!

Walked till the end of the long stretch.

FuFu gonna continue the mission to the other end as well.

Hardly FuFu see any beach girl here. T.T
The whole atmosphere is of an amusement park. There has still a lot of activity and it's quite busy with people banana boating, parasailing and jet skiing. It's hard to just lay down and relax. Horses and quad bikes are going up and down the beach all the time, while swimming areas are cordoned off by floating buoys because jetskis and boats, pulling people parasailing and running around in the water, sometimes a bit too close to the swimmers.

Wow, banana boat! FuFu still hasn't play this water sport!

Setting up for the next parasailing.

Whoa hoo~
The sand is not fine and the water is not of the tropically clear variety you might like. And the sea is quite dirty and dotted with boats and jetskis anchored by the beach. The beach, however, is slowly losing its character through the fusion of development in Batu Feringgi. Nonetheless, the sky was beautifully decorated up by the clouds. Sunset was absolutely stunning.

Wow, this angle is not bad at all.

The trace of the quad bikes and horses.

As you can see, it's hard to enjoy laying down on the sand.

FuFu walked till The Ship.

Later on, FuFu walked back to the resort.

Having a short rest while waiting for the sunset.
It's not the peak season so the beach was not crowded, but mostly with tourists from the Middle East. It's easy to recognize because they were all nicely dressed. I hardly seen any one of them wearing a swimsuit or similar. Even when swimming in the sea, they dressed like to go out for dinner.

Ops, it's time to head out for sunset!

FuFu was expecting for a spectacular sunset.

Finally FuFu knew why it's called golden sands beach.

These people all dressed up to the beach. Funny.

It must be great parasailing at dusk. FuFu wanna try next time.

Wow, great shot, FuFu.

The clouds finally woke up!

Slowly marching to the sky.

More and more people headed out like bats head out for prey.

The clouds started dancing in the sky.

While FuFu absorbing the stunning scenery.

This is so picturesque. Nice.

But FuFu got bored with the common sunset.

FuFu couldn't get the line through to the God of Sunset.

So, FuFu decided to leave earlier.

Suddenly FuFu saw the sky was beautifully painted.

The message was finally sent five minutes later. Thank you.

Ola~ here FuFu come. Quickly he ran towards to the beach.

When the yolk set over the horizon, the sky drastically changed!

How ornately the clouds decorated up the sky! Gorgeous.

The clouds and the rays of the sun created a splendid sunset!

It real makes Batu Feringgi a popular beach destination for tourists.

Absolutely amazed by the charm and appeal of the sunset!

FuFu rated this sunset A+.

It's very romantic strolling the beach with the one you love.

Whee, sexy girl.

Sayonara. FuFu was reluctant to leave though.

FuFu just couldn't get himself cool down!

A very peaceful and private heaven to spend the holiday.

Anyway FuFu, it's time to get back to downtown.

Sunset lovers must not miss the sunset in Batu Feringgi, Penang.

Met up Akira at Gurney Plaza and went to Mc Nair Street.

Again the popular place where Penangites always go for dinner.

It's real brought FuFu back to the 80's.

Yong tofu with sweet and chilli sauce. Special.

Kuey Teow chicken soup with two fishballs. Awesome.

Penang Fried kuey teow. Yummy.

The famous pot stewed chicken feet and eggs. Delicious.

The pot stewed chicken wings. Unique.

The last night in Penang, sure gotta fill up the stomach!

Another option for your guys.

Later on, we headed to a stall for this bitter herbal drink.

It's Monday. So Akira brought FuFu to the Monday night market.

Penang has lok lok too. But we couldn't take any more food.

What a typical night market.

Laksa? No, Akira would bring FuFu to Ayeh Hitam the next day.

Akira told FuFu that these breads are popular in Penang.

H1N1. The dust. The polluted air. These breads should be covered.

So what? Man can sell brassiere too! It's already 21st century now.

We have various type of sandals nowadays.

Taiwan delicacies selling everywhere, including sweet corn!

It's made FuFu salivate when he passed by this stall.

These preserved sour plums are so colourful!

It's time to get the thrist quenched.

FuFu tried "Si Bao Cha" (literally means four-treasures-tea).

It contained longan, sweet potato, jelly and ginkgo. Cool.

These stalls lined up in front of an apartment.

Before FuFu called it a night, he strolled the bay for a while.
It's a long day! From the morning leisure colonial heritage walk, to the stately Pinang Peranakan Mansion, followed by a gentle sunbathing, mesmerized sunset, local food, night market and a quick stroll at Queensbay. Again, i enjoyed wandering myself alone. Just can't put my feeling down in words. My second big hug to Akira as he was not feeling well actually yet he still showed me around.
fufu~ i was here =)
Fu-yoh XD
mavis : 恭喜恭喜 你成功了 =p
jennifer : hey jennifer... glad to know that you were here :)
mavis : 哈哈哈 日落也不錯哦
以爲阿伯是akira 當然知道你開玩笑咯
美食?? 我喜歡那個河粉, 很好吃 =p
凡人館長《志強 cHeeKeOng》: 哈哈哈
你羡慕我 我又羡慕你 =p
大家羡來羡慕去 :)
anyway 我也真的很會跑 XD
I like the photo of sunset and the coconut tree...the sky was so nice :)
Yih Yann : yeah the sunset was so magnificent!!! and the sky was nicely decorated up ya...great!!
i wan to go to beach to hv some fun liao. hahaha, the sunset was really romantic...
Xjion89 : yeah you shall go since you are free now =p yeah the sunset was way too spendid man!!!
Golden Sands and Rasa Sayang, i must say, are two of the best hotels in Penang that I've had the pleasure to stay at.
beautiful beach!!
i went to a beach in hatyai before..
but i didnt take any photo there..
wow~the sunset is quite pageantry~
i love it~!
sing : 哈哈哈 日落真的很美麗
講真的哦 有點可惜咯 ><
那麽美麗的日落 竟然會沒有美女在身邊
anyway... 親眼看到就好了
如果每次都一樣的話 就會很悶的了 =p
Anton : yeah... i went to the right place ya =p would definitely stay over at rasa sayang if i have the money
kc : i bet the beach in thailand are much better than those in penang... but anyway the sunset was great!! one of the best i have seen in my life *q*
XiaoYu : yeah awesome sunset!! i wanna go back to batu feringgi again too...wanna see another different great sunset *d*
you really travel a lot. So nice.
just take care of yourself. A(H1N1) might be lurking from somewhere. hehe
Allen Yuarata : hihihi... yeah i guess so... know what? i cant survive without travelling >.< i was born to see the whole world =p yes.. we should be careful of the H1N1...be alert!
穷光蛋市长 : hahaha 謝謝你喜歡哦
我喜歡在那邊吃東西咯 =p
很有味道 :)
我用的都是canon 450D
last time i go penang,
i fail to found this place...
only going 极乐寺....
karenc 采茶女 : hahaha
不算多了 :p 如果不是akira不舒服
我也喜歡海的 但是還不會游泳 ><
uLi.佑莉 : 對呀
batu feringgi的日落真的很震撼咯
很想回去再看看 =p
ah_man : ahahaha
kek lok si?? yeah a nice place but i didnt spent much time there.. anyway will explore it more next time :)
Food is delicious, landscape is beautiful, but the man, who is unsightly, takes a picture ( Joking, don't angry)
竟然扮游客。。这招我也用过无数次。。哈哈!怎么海边的游客好像寥寥无几,少了那么多beach gals,有多了那么多包到实实的,真没有眼福..哈哈!槟城美食真的吃不完..
Le Nguyen : yeah yummy and cheap local food... yeah the scenery was way too awesome =p wish to really stay there at least for a night *e* hihihi yeah i always snap here and there ~*
SuwEi : 我就是遊客哦
但是不是那邊的住客罷了 =p
吃一個禮拜都吃不完的咯 :)
很有眼福了 因爲日落真的超級漂亮動人
clara : 漂亮的日落真的很難看到的哦
真的希望你能夠親眼看到咯 =p
謝謝你喜歡我的照片 XD
summer : 對呀 >.<
anyway 看到美麗日落就足夠了
我都在resort裏面嗮太陽 XD
fufu ...
you going xinjiang at july .only the summer view. nothing Different with malaysia . hahaha....
leister : hahahaha nevermind... as long as it's xinjiang =p sure i can take nice pictures back and share you with guys later...
龍少 : 因爲當時真的很震撼咯
anyway 很快就要飛了
有點捨不得 ><
現在什麽都沒有做 :)
Beautiful sunset!!..wah..u so daring ler..lucky the guard trust u...LOL
Agnes : yeah sometime we gotta be brave enough when travelling alone =p anyway was so happy as the guard trust me... well i have the tourist look indeed :) hihi awesome sunset!!
阿豪 : 歡迎光臨哦
風景,沙滩,日落,美食都是我的最愛 =p
記得要守住哦 :)
Nice silhoutte of coconut trees at sunset. I would like to try parasailing one day...but then there's mild fear of heights which I have to overcome in order to parasail!
Mei Teng : hihihi yeah tropical sunset is always nice with coconut tree =p seriously you need to overcome the phobia as parasailing will be very nice... though i havent tried... i can still tell because i had tried sky diving in new zealand... hihihihi bet you would like it much...the bird view was way too nice in taupo, new zealand =p
哈哈~~好的,没有问题 =)
檳城~計畫年尾去~~ ^^
Never miss fufu's blog
Or you will know it.
去海边完水,let my skin become tan...
Wah, eat so much food. Missed Penang sun, sea and food!
What a beautiful place, love the beach and great sunset! Oh wait, the food are tempting. I guess I have to make some noodle dish after seeing those yummy dishes. I miss chicken feet too...my hubs doesn't like it. hehe
i miss Penang....
i miss the beach...
i miss the foods....
我发现你的拍照技术真的很厉害 ~
龍少 : 以前就是工程師咯
現在暫時還沒有做工咯 =p
阿豪 : 那一定要來看看留言咯
希望你們會喜歡 我會努力的哦
龍貓 : 美食就不是什麽美食
但是味道很好 =p
彩虹~天空绚丽的点缀 : 我的技術還可以咯
你們要支持哦 =p
萤火虫 : 有點可惜
imjson : 哈哈哈 出來玩有時候要轉變的咯
幸好他沒有去查咯 =p
Nick尼克仔 : 哈哈哈 飄來?
對呀 大佬的部落是不可以錯過的咯
我們出來行走江湖是不會販毒的哦 =p
希望你們真的會喜歡, 那就好了
但不是在這裡, 應該會在中國的草原上奔跑哦
感覺很舒服寧靜.... :)
對咯 就是沒有中文
anyway 現在機場已經有中文了 =p
因爲越來越多中國人來玩了 XD
Pete : hihihi...last night in penang...sure gotta eat as much as i could!! hoho... i already miss everything in penang since i left >.<
ukgssy : 在檳城吃東西鎮的很棒
Ayie : hihihi... the chicken feet was nice... i ate them all... because my friend doesnt like it >.< next time we can go have some chicken feet =p anyway the sunset was way too awesome... one of the best sunset i have ever seen
Kikey Loo : i miss everything of penang!!! wanna go back sooner >.<
幸福王子 : hahaha 真的很高興
日落+樹+海 = 真的悔很美麗的
希望可以跟你們分享更多美麗照片 :)
A nice place to go ya, the beach...
AWESome pictures!
quincy : 哪幾張呢?
anyway 我張張都喜歡 XD
Somewhere in Singapore : yeah always my favourite place to chill out... the beach!! :)
jel : hey thanks =p
Wois : 那不是更好嗎??
應該去吃早餐了 =p
haha~ next time i'm so gonna use ur way to sneak into a hotel...
btw, when u free arr? i wanna take photo too~ :P
really nice batu feringgi pics and queensbay.....i been there....i love to buy cheap dvd's at batu ferringhi...
有没有拿杯酒,静静地坐在海滩上享受?:) 很舒服,完全没有人打扰
Leu : hahaha yeah sure you can, but just be careful...if not you still can enjoy the sunbathing outside =p
you wanna take photo? what you mean? go out for photoshooting or???
vialentino : i didnt go to the pasar malam there in batu feringgi... cheap dvd?? everywhere la brother =p but batu feringgi is real great for sunset!!
Kai and Baobei : 我要紅酒咯
衆人喝酒醉 我看到日落醉 =p
Batu Feringgi啲沙灘大部分都被污染了,我上次去都唔敢係海灘游泳,齋係泳池。不過環境依然唔錯既,起碼幾寧靜舒服囖!
是啊,少了美酒人依醉,好!这样的时刻很轻松,最讨厌突然间大班人吵吵闹闹,破坏美景 :P 看看书,上上网也不错。
Hey pal, you are lucky to go to such a nice quiet beach. Envy leh ! I want to go next time too!
The sunset are well taken!
海市蜃樓 : 幸好沒有人懷疑我不是住客
anyway 外面也不是很多人罷了
如果裏面不可以外面也可以咯 =p
我不會有游泳所以沒有去泳池咯 >.<
主要目的是嗮太陽 :)
Kai and Baobei : 那你就不要peak season 去海灘咯... =p 很多外國人都看書的咯, 除了我...
我主要目的是嗮太陽 XD
那邊的環境真的很舒適寧靜 :)
有時候真的覺得自己很感性 hohoho
anyway 就是要享受人生嘛 *q*
Hey thank for such a detail "tour" of penang. I really have no idea how penang was until your blog. You can work for the tourism broad, man :P
ooh. don't stay in golden sands resorts!! i heard they have bed bugs!!
Aaron : hihihi... you can enjoy the quiet beach in sentosa too...just dont go there in peak season =p i bet weekdays will be quiet too... i love all the sunset pictures XD
hihihi, glad you know more about penang... so when are you going there huuh? already planned your trip? i guess i could be the ambassador of the tourism board :)
renaye : yeah i wanna go to rasa sayang for a night when i have the money ya =p erm yup i went to golden sands resorts only for the sunbathing
Just curious, what dslr are u using?
Jonzz : canon 450D =p
wow~ beautiful sunset!! A++
The sunset is really stunning!
Serina : A++++.... 美到爆燈了 =p
Shelyn : yeah a great one!!
人鱼球球 : 歡迎回來哦
Sentosa, I used to go there. Not anymore. its getting crowded. Even since they are building the Casino. So many things happening.
Yes, Mr ambassador. Can I invite you to show me ard when I'm there..hahaha!
Me not planned yet, my first priority now is to get a full time. Freelance cannot tahan too long. money not fix.
Aaron : hohoho...just go there for sunbathing la... who ask you go swimming there? better not!! because damn dirty one... i worked in pasir panjang terminal before...i know! i incharged the terminal project before... they just dumped everything down to the sea ...and those chemical stuff will flow o sentosa... >.<
hahahaha show you around? sure! but i dont know i will be here or not after this...may be off to germany for 2yrs... for a master degree... anyway it's ok if you travel alone or with friends... i travelled alone and it's fine =p i enjoyed so much...so i guess you could have fun as much as i had =p
well before you got your full time...better go explore first... otherwise you wont be able to travel once you have started working ya...
wahhhhhhhh... i like beach so so much eh!!
Another Fascinating Post !! Fufu You Have A Lovely Blog And I Am So Happy To See It !!! Nice One..
毛毛 : 晚上沒有人會喜歡坐那些椅子的咯
anyway 你也可以早上欣賞海灘的咯
吹吹風+聼聼歌+看看書 = 很棒
然後看日落...超幸福的享受 :)
Vincent Cho : 還是要給錢的咯
免費的話應該會吃更多的了 =p
Kuntong : me too!!
Unseen Rajasthan : hahaha thanks my friend, erm...glad to know that you like my blog...i am so flattered...
i like the sky photo exspecially sunset time...it was beautiful..
how come didn't see fufu in swimsuit posing at the beach?? kekeke!!! :p
3ugene : yeah the sky was awesomely decorated up that evening... lucky~
SK : that kind of pictures?? you gotta pay one la!! i dont put it in public.. wahahahha
毛毛 : 因爲感覺怪怪的咯
anyway 你喜歡的話都可以咯
沒有人會說什麽的 =p
penanG's lok lok and johor
这儿卖的lok lok可是超贵的呢,
i thought Akira is 'she', so nice to have brought u jalan2! great shots!
lucky the guard no halau u...only we can see all the pretty picture...
晴天 : 很高興聽到你這樣講咯
小闷瓜 : 我沒有去吃lok lok
anyway 貴不貴就看你吃的是什麽了
sakaigirl : hahaha yeah is he =p lucky i had him to bring me to the common places where penangites go for cheap and nice local food =p
hushiaupeng : no worries... if kena halau, then i will just go outside the resort and have my towel sheet out enjoying the sunbathing =p still can enjoy the sunset =p hihihi
wow...you're blog is really teeming with commenters eh. and i think i know why...
anyway, those shots were amazing esp. the sunset captures! the place looks very tropical with all those coconut trees and all...
keep traveling, and keep writing, fufu--COOL name. :P peace out!
thanks for dropping by, mate...
wAH...great shot,FuFu!!
也对啦。。。他们没有我这么聪明的~ 哈哈~
lucas : yeah kudos for to all my blogger friends here as they willing to spend their times dropping few lines here... really appreciate the comments... =p
erm... i love sunset... no matter where i have been, i will for sure search for the place for nice sunset view XD
sure i will keep updating here and it's real my pleasure to share with you guys ya... do come here more often for more update in the future ya... fufu is a nice name? lmao... GLAD to know it
bluesky : 降落傘那裏都可以玩的咯
anyway 感覺很好的咯
我曾經玩過sky diving 很棒很刺激 =P
對呀 有時候就要接近大自然
享受人生... 真的是太棒了
佐瑟琳 : 沒有遲到啦
幸好那個保安人員沒有懷疑我 =p
anyway 檳城不是很骯髒罷了
我希望檳城可以揚名海外 :)
唉~ 这几天忙死了~ 又没得上网。。。
哈哈~ XD
是啊~ 真希望那些不爱槟城的槟城人不要再乱垃圾了~~~
佐瑟琳 : 原來如此哦
對咯 那些人不應該亂丟垃圾的咯
Hi, Fufu.
Thanks for visiting my site...and commenting also.
Your sunset shots are enigmatic. Can't stop staring at them. Feast for the eyes.
miss the beach so much~
long time never been there~
next time when i back hometown!
sure i must go there~
i oso miss those foods at there leh~
food @sg abit~~~
Palito : hiihihi... it's alright! happy to get the compliment from you ya XD selamat =p i am still learning to shoot though...
dream : i miss the beach too!!! cant wait to go again sooner :) yeah you should go there again if you go back to penang ya... and yeah the food in penang is oily... nothing special yet still you can get yummy food, just a little expensive =p
i like this..with this caption "Wow, great shot"....
is really great shot.
the beach and sunset pictures!
simply beautiful!!!
niceee... =D
Sure, we can have chicken feet and only God knows when will that be! *lol* Who knows?
Nice weather for water activities. U didn't go for those activities?
Haha...Are the tourists form Mid. East really that rich? The way they wear is funny, according to ur description. Haha...
Awesome sunset!
云之站 : thank!!! i love that pictures too
阿紫 : 哈哈哈
ukgssy : 那你就要去光顧咯
ukgssy :
tunadolphi : 謝謝哦
一切順利 天氣會很好
kenwooi.com : yeah a lovely sunset... had a great whole afternoon there as well... love beach life :p
Ayie : hahahhaa, yeah we sure would have the chance to eat chicken feet together... trust me! just we need to keep in touch here ya... :)
Ken : i was alone... not really into these water sports... rather i prefer strolling the beach more =P basically those from middle east are quite rich... and some of the girls are pretty too...but they all cover up their face >.< anyway luckily i still saw pretty sunset there :)
Fufu, what's your dayjob? You seemed to be travelling so much! So nice. I have been to NZ before but no skydive...I can't..way toos scary!
I really like ur sunset photos! full of feels, some i even feel romantics! hahaha..
when will u be coming to kuching? hahaha..
enjoyed the sunset pics the later ones. u r right abt the food needing to b covered up. yesterday i brought benghui to pasar malam n he refused to buy uncovered food n bread too. he said it is dirty. i looked again n realized that it is indeed dirty being exposed like that.
Wow! Very nice sunset photos! Love them! I always like the sunsets by the beach!
yeah, to echo Mei Teng's comments, what day job you do? How come so lucky can travel to China for 2 months?!
the sunset is awesome.. I want go to the beach lo...
黄昏时很美对吧?我很可惜,没去到the ship那里拍照T.T呵呵..怎么你拍的风景照都比我的好看?哈哈..
Rasa Sayang Resort 的沙应该很细滑的吧?
some of those shots are amazing!!!
should have gone nearer to take the snap at the sexy girl lah... haha!
wow r u like a celebrity or what? 130 comments? cool!
我还没有机会去batu ferringhi
Hi FuFu... wow...看了你的槟城游~ 身为槟城人的我也惊叹不已~因为有些东西是我本身还没试过的喔!(惭愧啊!哈哈~)而且把槟城拍得很漂亮的说~赞喔!谢谢你那么hardsell槟城~lol~ *^o^*
very much like the Philippines! I haven't experienced the banana boating either! Missed that last summer.
Hahaha I like that “sneaking” portion. Nice resort and I love the view of the beach, and the sunset is just stunning.
OMG... 135 comments and still counting?!
Did you have a whale of time in Penang?
I've only been there once in my life - that's when I was still a wee kid. I cannot recall much of it already.
candygan : 沙灘不是很美麗罷了
看到我都~~~ 真的形容不到了 =p
Mei Teng : hihihi... my day job? updating my blog, and take pictures =p anyway i am not working atm ya...used to be a civil engineer but i had stopped working in dec last yr... i plan on going to germany for my master degree... still have no news of the scholarship though i got the offer letter from the uni in frankfurt already... will keep you guys posted with my status... :)
sally : thanks! even i myself love these sunset shots very much... =p erm...kuching? i think i gotta postpone my trip to sarawak >.< sad!! anyway i will let you know if i plan to go there... keep in touch my friend XD
Bengbeng : benghui is as smart as fufu! lol i never those food being exposed like that! anyway i love sunset very much, but sad it only last so little time >.<
foongpc : hehehe i am jobless now >.< well i actually am waiting for the scholarship to further my master degree in germany as i got the offer letter from the uni in frankfurt already =p wish me luck :) erm well watching sunset by the beach is great... but anyway, no matter where...i would enjoy sunset too
将鱼宰 : 你太過誇張了吧
anyway 還是很開心 =p
你要記得常來看看哦 :)
WanWan : hahahha yeah, but remember go to the beach that you can see sunset ok? dont go to the wrong beach =p hahaha
夏娃公主 : 很美麗的黃昏哦
the ship那里沒什麽好拍照的咯
哈哈哈哈 我不知道咯
寒雨 : rasa sayang 的沙很粗咯
但是環境很好 很舒適寧靜 =p
哈哈哈 開心開心 :)
zewt : hihihi... yeah i love all the shot though =pwell i think i should have gone nearer too... but anyway next time =p hihihi
toto : 真的可以下注博彩咯
batu feringgi的沙灘不是很好
下一次真的要待就一點 :)
哈哈 男人賣bra很普通了 *q*
Rad Sujanto : lol i am not celebrity!! roflmao anyway thanks those who had left me comments here... including you also XD
sock peng : 你還有很多機會咯
慢慢來 不需要急的哦
一定要盡量的去玩+探索+吃 =p
JessTan : 你也是檳城人哦??
我沒有hard sell檳城
檳城就是那麽的漂亮美麗動人 :)
Ely : hihihi yeah i know there's plenty of nice islands in the philippines =p miss bohol and 100islands very much :) anyway we can try the banana boat next time ...because i wanna go back to the philippines XD
Asian Traveler : hihihi anyway dont follow me ok? it's not good sneaking into the resort >.< remember you can enjoy sunbathing as well outside the resort =) i bet you have been to many nice islands already in the philippines ya... but this sunset was magnificent XD
1ondoncalling : hahaha 135 is not all the comments from bloggers... including my replies as well...
anyway i had a great time in penang...would like to go back again.... my second time to penang after 15yrs... i went there when i was a kid too... の記憶はまったくねえよ っでが今回はいろんなとこに行ってええ勉強になったいやて 楽しかった :)
安德瓦特[稀客] : 那一就要去走走看咯
不要呆在家裏了...出去吧 :D
檳城真的有很多地方可以去看看的 =)
golden sands beach 是有馬的咯
你上一次去的是不是golden sands beach?
anyway 再去過咯
Ha ha... I forgot to exclude your own replies!
Still, it's pretty phenomenal!
You inspired me to re-do my Japanese again.
Before I came to study in the UK, I wanted to study in Japan but they told me I had to do another 1-year intensive Japanese course before I could enrol. That did not even guarantee if I could get into my desired university. So I chose UK instead of Japan because I got all their offers and I could actually choose them not they choosing me. He he...
Interestingly, I had my cultural exchange programme in Hiroshima. I have indeed been to Hiroshima University too. My host family even taught me how to make お好み焼き and some 広島弁!
1ondoncalling : oh i see... well i got scholarship for the whole 5yrs so i dont really care which uni i would go to at that time... erm yah your japanese is good ya, i miss okonomiyaki!!! osaka ben and hiroshima ben!!! i miss japan very much =p
wow, in hiroshima uni?? when? i might have seen you somewhere but didnt know you at that time =p anyway wish you had a great stay in hiroshima...
i miss my host families too, in hiroshima, osaka and kyoto... wanna go back and visit them again =p my japanese not as good as before already... >.< at least not that fluent i used to speak... wish you could recall all your jpnese... btw, i am writing my diary in jpnese, the only way i follow in order not to forget the language :)
Well done! It's good to get their scholarship - I actually did my Japanese language in Singapore. I studied there after my SPM. Because they only used English there, I thought maybe I should pick up another language. Also, there were tons of Japanese living in Singapore.
I also got their scholarship. He he... Only to study the language for two years. My Japanese is getting rusty. もう下手に成った。今はいつでもバカの一つ覚えだ。どうするの?助けて!
It's really a shame I didn't continue my Japanese while I studied in Scotland. But I was busy with my coursework and there were not many Japanese there. So I gave it up completely...
My Japanese host family lives very close to 広島城. I remember it's also close to 縮景園
I now remember they taught me to say 食べんさい in Hiroshima Ben as standard 食べて下さい. It made me laugh so much because I associated it with "eat shit" in Hokkien. Ha ha...
Study again? Join the rat race la ;) That's where you get to see and experience the real world...hahha...just kidding.
Hope you get the scholarship to further your studies in Germany. What Masters degree are you intending to pursue?
I think the only kind of studying I would like is photography. No more of those kind of stuff I used to do back in uni days.
re: thanks for the comment. perhaps once i've perfected my baking skills i can bake some good old american apple pie for u.
those pics you took are simply beautiful! are you by chance a professional photographer?
oh , just noticed that you're currently in penang , so if u have the time you might wanna check out monkey beach, and the light house!
i simply love the boat ride.
1ondoncalling : you still remember your jpnese very well... shame on me!! i havent been to 縮景園!!! well anyway i am not staying in hiroshima city, the campus of hiroshima university is based in saijyo, so i seldom go to the city unless i have thing to do...but almost all the attraction around hiroshima i had visited :)
normally the course of studying jpnese is 1yr...how come you got scholarship to study 2yrs?? anyway you did a right decision, uk is definitely better than japan i bet =p
Mei Teng : i will be studying urban agglomeration (or similar to urban planning) but i guess it's hard to get scholarship now... anyway i will look for part time job there if i really make up the mind getiing my master degree in frankfurt, germany.
well, i wanna learning cooking and baking instead =p i love cooking very much... i havent tried any baking yet though =p
Alexis Ng : wow american pie... i want i want.... =p anyway i am just one amateur photographer :) monkey beach and the light house? okok i get it...will go there when i go to penang again next time *i am now already back from penang*
You can always try the recipe I mentioned in my Baking Disaster(s) post...ghee, flour and castor sugar all in equal amounts of 150g! After trying out this recipe twice, I find that you can reduce the sugar abit and increase the flour. Not all recipes are perfect...must tweak abit.
wow, that is one impressive collection.
I think my Fav shots are the one with the horse rider at the beach!
Oh, you are not working! No wonder can travel here and there non stop! I thought you've got a dream job or something!
Eh, how come got so much money if not working? : )
I like those dark coloured lazy chairs at Rasa Sayang Resort. Look comfy to me.
Catching an accidental sunset is always a great moment.
Mei Teng : wow... great!! at least know i roughly know how to bake after seeing your recipe... wish i could have the chance to bake sooner... cant wait to show you guys my creations hohoho
NicoleB : yeah thanks! erm i wanna ride the horse by the beach if i have the chance next time =p but guess i gonna ride a camel first in a desert in china =p i will show your guys the pictures... hope i could!
foongpc : hihihi... yeah it's good to travel here and there when you are free(not working ya) erm...money? i will disclose this issue by the time comes =p
shloke : hihihi rasa sayang is a nice place to spend your holiday ya when you go to batu feringgi =p i was so happy when i saw an accidental great sunset :) hihi had a great time in penang XD
杰胜 : huuh???? 你要近營??
anyway 你還有很多機會的咯
你那麽的靠近batu feringgi =p
QQ : 哈哈 看到你在另一篇同樣的留言了
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