Wednesday 17 March 2010

Porsche Museum - Stuttgart

FuFu Life in Frankfurt - Chapter Ten
12th November 2009 | Porsche Museum Stuttgart

After the visit at Mercedes-Benz, Stuttgart field trip was started.

And group of the students were brought to the former military site.

It's now transformed to a successful sustainable residential area.

The gardens are always facing to the west. Why?

Because German like to enjoy the evening at the garden with family.

Some of the different housing layout in the neighbourhood.

Another new way of camwhoring.

FuFu with the course tutor, she is majoring in Architecture.

Then a visit at a House Museum in the newly built neighbourhood.

The view of part of Stuttgart seen from the museum.

Stopped by an Architecture Gallery.

Yay, the field trip had ended. Heading to Porsche Museum!

Stuttgart is also famous for its wine and vineyard.

The last stop of the day was Porsche Museum.

Porsche museum is located at a busy street in Stuttgart. Cool.

Walking towards Porsche Museum from the parking lot.

Porsche is an internationally brand that should be in the dictionary under style and speed for racing car. Celebrating the marque's history and heritage, the Porsche had overspent some 100 million Euro and more than three years to renovate this futuristic building – the Porsche Museum, in Stuttgart opened its door to a spanking new museum on the 31st of Jan 2009, after the gorgeous Mercedes-Benz Museum.

An amazing 5600 square meters of floor space, the museum was wrapped in stunning architecture and housing more than 80 stunning Porsche's collection starting from the first 356 to the latest Panamera. The museum of this unique sports car company is rich in tradition, presenting the fascinating thrill and diversity of the Porsche brand through 77 years of Porsche history. It's a work of art. The museum also houses restaurant, bistro, souvenir shop and an event area.

A Porsche car is sitting in front of the museum welcoming visitors.

Porsche... when can FuFu own one? It's absolutely porshhhh!

It's Porsche 911 Carrera Turbo.

LOL. Girls can be gone insane when they see gorgeous car too.

The mirror roof is amazing! FuFu and his dream Porsche car.

The Porsche Museum presents an orgy of speedy vehicles, 80 cars on display on three levels. Starting from the bare burnished aluminum chassis of the Type 64 - one direction examines the pre-1948 history of Ferdinand Porsche. There are a few exhibits on design and engineering with films and cutaway models, but most of the museum is devoted to light-weight aerodynamic agile and sports cars legends. Porsche has focused almost entirely on sports cars, with only a brief excursion into Formula One. Unlike Mercedes Museum where a visitor starts at the top and winds downward through history and car design, Porsche Museum rises upward through the levels and lesser cars.

It leads the visitor to the heaven of automobile.

Come on friends, let's get up to the heaven.

It's three floor high and long =p

Everyone was very excited to see Porsche cars.

Wow... the interior of the museum is freaking awesome. Gosh!

We all bought the Euro 4 student ticket but it's excluding audio guide (Mercedes Museum is free). Up the escalator to the beginning of the stunning museum. Esthetics first, i was stunned by the bold interior of the museum. It's really gorgeous. The cars on display were from the first masterpiece of Porsche to present day. Each display of the collection has the display name, date, model, also a written brief history and some with photographs with descriptions. Though we didn't have the audio guide, still we could enjoyed reading the description of every poshy Porsche car.

The visit of the museum was officially started here.

Everyone will be firstly greeted by the concept of Porsche car.

The bare burnished aluminum chassis of the Type 64 .

The whole process of the formation was real awesome!

The process of Porsche car making depicting by the cutaway models.

Wow... the first level was packed with vintage Porsche cars.

Weird but kinda cute. Don't you guys think so?

Porsche 911 Carrera RS.

Wow wow wow. Nice.

Love vintage car of Porsche 911 .

Red Porsche 911E with Fuchs wheels.

Porsche 911 # 46.

Another Porsche 911. Magnificently cool.

Porsche 911 Carrera RS.

Oh my God... this is super cute.

Amazing. Beautiful. Casual. Dainty. Elegant. Fancy. Gorgeous.

Red + the design = what a fierce racing car!

Wow... the wanna be Porsche racing car model.

Martini Porsche speedy racing car.

The aerodynamic downforce pins a Rothman's 956 upside down.

Gotta go upstairs explore the rest!

Noticed that Porsche cars are all designed for only two persons?

Porsche 959 Rally variant.

Porsche 911 GT1.

Niki Lauda's Porsche-powered McLaren.

Porsche 924 Carrera GTS. Very poshy =p

Porsche 909 Bergsyder. Amazing!

The series of Porsche 956.

See, the highest speed has been achieved so far is 387km/h.

White Porsche 956 is very suitable for the pure FuFu.

Porsche 956 Class #2.

Porsche 956 Class #21.

Porsche 956 Class #23.

Seriously FuFu thought of camping a night at Porsche Museum.

The Auto Trophy Porsche has been getting since it had established.

It's nice to be able to see all memorable trophies.

FuFu personally loves the elegant interior very much!

Porsche police car. FuFu was wrong. Not only Mercedes-Benz!

Wow... FuFu hearts this! Buy him this and he will hug you tight!

Wow... this can run pretty fast!

Ops, the sexy model from Iceland.

Porsche 956L 266.

Vrooom. Vrooom. Vroooooooom.

FuFu was sitting on a Porsche speedy car. The staff was not around!

The potential models for Porsche.

It's indeed not bright enough for the photographer. Bring the tripod!

The miniatures of Porsche are adorable.

So poshy and cute!

Police car? Why FuFu still haven't seen any Porsche police car?


Made by the recycled tins. A great one.

The presentation and layout was top notch.

However, it has only 80 cars. FuFu wanna see more!

Extremely lesser cars if compared to Mercedes-Benz museum.

Anyway FuFu still felt contented with those porshy cars.

The souvenir shop too very small compare to the Mercedes-Benz.

Porsche 956 - Pretoria Brick.

Too many nice stuff FuFu wanna bring back home.

The miniature of 911 GT3 RSR.

FuFu could only afford to get this back home.

FuFu had to leave his honey 911 Carrera Turbo at the museum.

Gonna kiss goodbye to his dream car Porsche 911.

Porsche Auto Showroom is located just across the street.

The exterior. Marvelous. Picture courtesy of Porsche Museum.

Hopped on the van and headed back to Frankfurt.


FuFu forgot to upload the pictures in Mercedes-Benz Showroom.

Anyway, Mercedes-Benz is really damn cheap in Germany.

Mercedes or Porsche? FuFu will decide after visiting BMW Museum.

So the two days one night field trip to Freiburg, Türbingen and Stuttgart was ended happily. It was our first field trip in Germany. Really glad to have the chance seeing the awarded German sustainable development projects. And also the nice experiences of the visit to two popular automobile museums - Mercedes-Benz Museum and Porsche Museum. We were all had a blast.


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豪少 said...

Wow! The Porsche building architecture looks awesome!!! Doesn't look like a museum to me at all~ Haha!

p/s: Any miniature Porsche for me? :P

fufu said...

豪少 : yeah yeah they had spent 100million of Euro for it!!! a nice museum!!! real worth it =p hohoho miniature Porsche? i have only one for myself >< if i ever go there again... will get more and bit on ebay lol

William said...

Cool arhitecture! I like the trophy with a driver standing on top of the characters "CE".

fufu said...

William : yoo...but i still like mercedes benz one... porsche is gorgeous but lacking of something =p hihihi yeah the trophy huuh... i love it too... that's why i focused it lol

Benghui said...

Fufu ko ko. Hi :) So so so nice the Porsche

fufu said...

Benghui : lol benghui Porsche is nice but very expensive... you have to study hard and smart.... aim for a Porsche... then drive your parents around when you got it ok? good luck

elayne said...

haha...i love the reason why german house gardens always face to west...
and the!can't help it~

[SK] said...

i have only one word in mind - WOW!! that's amazing museum, the design and architecture is just simple awesome!! so did you get a whole series of the miniature for yourself as souvenirs??

micki said...

It would be nice to own a Porsche in my life! Now, I prefer Porsche than Mercedez,, but.. hum.. I will wait for your BMW tour as well!:)

Akira 思胜 said...

Walau eh, I love the architechure of the buildings!

fufu said...

elayne : hihi.. i want a garden that faces the west too in the future... i want to see sunset with my family =p well the museum is great!

SK : the whole series? i cant afford >< though i would like to buy all, unless i am not studying >< well yeah nice architecture ya... that cost 100million euro you know???

micki : hihihi you prefer Porsche? erm i still like Memercedes... but well will go visit BMW soon... it's closed when i was there for new year end of 2009 ><

fufu said...

Akira 思胜 : how about cars?? dont you want to get one Porsche?

Wois said...


fufu said...

Wois : 有啊!但是我向先把去年的照片都给放
上来咯...然后慢慢的开始把今年的放上来 :)

Suf n Steve said...


i don't prefer a Stuttgart wine, thee a bit sour compare to French's wine, maybe the fermentation process take less hour.

darling have u visited the Television Tower @Fernsehtrum...find it out and Mineralbad Cannstatt, the Spa.

ohh pls visit the spa, so you will learn how do they build such a nice spa back here.

The State Gallery@Staatsgalerie is nice too.

plenty to do in Stuttgart!and not only on the cars!

fufu said...

Suf n Steve : yeah you love wine too? i dont know more about wine... french wine is always the best but as long as it can entertain my tounge, then it's alright =p yeah btw i didnt try stuttgart wine ><

actually i had been to stuttgart 3yrs ago when i travelled around europe =p been to the tower in the evening after exploring the downtown and mercedes benz museum =)

erm well i had only 1 day that time... didnt really see much, and this time... was going there with my prof and coursemates... so couldnt move alone to the places i wanna go to ><

but will try to go there is i have the chance again... hehehe

Unknown said...

I love porsche, but cannot own one.

CheaHSan said...

Personally think Mercedes Museum is much more grand than Porsche. Wow more than 100mil Euro to build phew! thats quite a lot of money. I have got one Porch and an old junk back home. haha. thanks.

Kikey Loo said...

hi fufu, your life still as interesting as before. (^.^)

Happy Birthday for u in advance

I AM A BLOGGER said...

omg! fufu, u actually sat on a porsche~~~@@envyyyyyyy~~~hahaha

the yellow color look like Lamborghini oooo~~

Janice said...

Porsche is love to see but not many people can afford it. Hardly can see it in Malaysia too.

fufu said...

凡人館長《志強 cHeeKeOng》 : hohoho yeah not everyone can own Porsche but i still can afford a miniature =p

CheaHS@n : yeah i prefer Mercedes too... though the architecture of Porsche is stunning but not much cars to see >< it's a museum and should present more cars and its history and not invested so huge amount of euro in the architecture... am i right?

Kikey Loo : yeah i wont torture myself by not enjoying life ya... hihihi =p because life is short and fragile :) anyway thanks for the early birthday greeting

fufu said...

Xjion89 : not allowed to sit on Porsche actually, just quickly snapped the picture when the staff was talking with other visitors, lol hihii yeah lamborghini... you noticed it =p

Janice : yeah it's common here in Germany :) especially those high income residential areas... i didnt see Porsche until i had come to Germany =p hihihi

Candlelyn said...

wooowww~my dream car!

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Mercedes still rocks compared to Porsche, well still waiting anxiously for pink BasMiniWilayah to hit your post. Porsche is a good car but too expensive and its a 'dark horse' in Malaysia not many outlets as compared to Mercedes & BMW. tQ

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Oh Stuttgart is famous for its wine & vineyard, did not know about it. Love maple leaves & the picture of the wholly mirror roof reflecting on the Porsche below with all the jagged edges so cool. tQ

fufu said...

Candlelyn : hohoho i still wanna go to BMW before i make up my mind =p

Bananazക : yeah i think so also...because Mercedes-Benz has more nice cars to see =p Porsche only has 80+ of speedy cars... yeah you can see many vineyards when you go around stuttgart... but i dont know if the wine there nice or not... yeah the mapple leave =p but still those in japan are nicer lol erm... i love the architecture of Porsche Museum but not the collection of the cars >< unless they have all... like Mercedes-Benz

~eRiC~ said...

Wow... really cool weii.. cant afford to blink an eye while looking at the pics.. how much is a merz in germany?
do you have to pay any entry fees for the museum?

fufu said...

eRiC : the entry for student is euro 4 (rm 20) =p but really worth it lor... erm the Benz here?? is about euro20k-30k (almost rm 100k-150k) but that's nice car =p i think malaysia gotta be more than rm 300k right?

SuwEi said...

oh my porsche! when can i hve 1!paper model oso can..haha!
btw the Canon in D is nice.One of my favourite to play:P

fufu said...

SuwEi : hohohoho.... Porsche also you want? lol well then you gotta work hard or get a rich hubby =p all the best my friend! hohoho yeah canon in d... super love it after watching the taiwanese series :)

小虫 said...

gosh~~!!!i juz wish i could get 1 from the gallery is enough liao ><||

Amazing gallery lol!!! coOL!

fufu said...

嘉CacinG進 : hahahaha i dont want the car... but will spend the money to travel around =p and help those who needed :) miniatures are more than enough to entertain me lol yeah have you checked out the mercedes one?

rainfield61 said...

I worked in a toy factory before. So... so I own a few of the Porches.

I have Lamborghini, Ferrarri, etc.

SuwEi said...

i jz want a miniature..better use the money at other place:P

fufu said...

rainfield61 : wow wow wow... are they cheap? if it's same price.. then better buy in malaysia... dont wanna waste so many money on it now... as i am a poor student now ><

SuwEi : hihihi yeah good!! our proton car also not bad =p malaysia boleh lol well good you also want to spend the money on other more meaningful stuff...good good

Fion Chow said...

both is in my DREAM list...OMGGGGGGGGGG
my dream car.................
UK i'm comingggggggggggggggggg...
i shall study hard huh??????

Anonymous said...

The construction style of the museum is very similar to Imperial War Museum North in Manchester.

I cannot remember what it's called...
Something De-construction?

Ha ha.. How good is your construction technology?

fufu said...

Fion Chow : yeah you should study hard and get your dream car either Porsche or BMW =p erm yeah UK is awesome too... work hard now and play harder when you are here in europe later ok? =p

1ondoncalling : yeah i always wanna go to manchester >< will try to go there if i go to london again =p erm well my construction skill? very poor... i was majoring in transportation though... and now urban planning :) still learning hihihi

小雪 said...

都是可以拼命拍照的哦 呵呵呵

June (An Asian Traveler) said...

I can't stop drooling over those Porsche cars. Maybe you can send one of that to me instead of a nice postcard. Mercedes Benz is okay, too. hahaha...

Advance Happy Birthday Fufu! :)

fufu said...

小雪 : 梦寐以求的地方....
然后排个够哦 哈哈哈

June (An Asian Traveler): huuh? hahaha yeah if you send me a card, then only got the postcard... i can only afford for that... not the real car... erm i got only 1 miniature for both mercedes and porsche each... cant give them to you >< yeah thanks for the early birthday greeting ya

random student said...

and it's good that you can actually touch them. i love the 956 race car model. the vintage ones are spectacular.

Kaijun said...

awesome!! Museum, bring the meaning of bored to me.. but until today only i realise that actually visit museum is kinda funny at all~ And their museum design is soo cool~

jam said...

Wow, I want to be there too! The exterior of the museum itself is a masterpiece! Wish you a happy birthday in advance, my friend!

Kenny Mah said...

Now if you could only take one of them cars from the Porsche Museum back home with you... then it'd really be a one-of-a-kind experience! :D

fufu said...

random student : yeah you are right... we really touch the Porsche =p but didnt expect we were so excited until we sat on it lol hohoho... because Porsche is too attractive

MakE_LiFe_EasY : yay they really put alot of effort too (not only money) to make the museum look awesome :) it's a great experience to visit these museums ya

jam : if you ever come to frankfurt, take the train to stuttgart, it's a nice city with 2 awesome automobile museums ya =p thanks for the birthday greeting :)

fufu said...

Life for Beginners : i wish i had the money... >< if i am able to get one...sure i will bring one back home and then sell it off :) lol


i like the one with the "poker" sign~ :P cute and trendy

Xing Tells You said...

Porsches are so CARTOON!~~ Cute!

fufu said...

L² : yeah yeah but kinda weird >< anyway other cars are nice ya =p

Xing Tells You : yayaya colourful, trendy, speedy and porshhhy =)

shloke said...

I LOVE those houses! Simple yet modern + lush garden. Truly my dream habitat :)

WOW! This P.O.R.S.C.H.E museum looks futuristic! An alien mother ship has just landed Stuttgart! LOL!

So many beautiful and priceless cars. I can only dream of owning most of these beauties :)


Pete said...

Ahhhhh Porsche, my dream car!

fufu said...

shloke : yeah i want a garden either in front or at the back of my dream house =p

yeah guess they were overspending too much money on the architecture >< wish they would present more cars since they have nice collection of cars... there's only 80cars out of hundreds of awesome models ><

Pete : hohoho i dont quite like Porsche though... Benz or BMW =p

Ensurai said...

Early Birthday greetings to you!!
May all your dreams come true.

God bless.

Glennis said...

WOW huge post, so very many beautiful Porsche's. I like the Porsche museum because we have a pedigree cat which we called Porsche, sleek, elegant, fast and expensive! Our Porsche is a Burmese.

einrihs_shirnie said...

will you going to the Oberammergau Passion Play??? remember take more picture when u there...

lock said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lock said...

porsche, i guess it's most ppl dream car!

for an ordinary person like me, i dun think i will own one for the rest of my life, unless i win lottery!

보리 said...

Oh my, this one is a long post, :) still I love browsing the blog, pretty much its cool!

Porsche is really really hawt!

escape said...

wow! two things caught my attention the most, the bare burnished car and the wine vineyard. beautiful!

Ayie said...

that building just blew me away!!! woah! of course the cars too

Ayie said...

have a good day fufu

fufu said...

Sarawakiana@2 : yeah thanks for the early birthday greeting =p wish my dreams will all come true ya :) again, thanks

Glennis : wow its name is Porsche too? how coooool =p anyway i just wish Porsche would present more cars... just like what Mercedes has done to satisfy the visitors

einrihs_shirnie : Oberammergau is very far from Frankfurt and i am not that interested in that play >< instead wanna go explore those castles =p hihihi

fufu said...

lock : hihihi yeah i dont want porsche but i wanna win the lottery :) i wanna use the money to travel around and also help those who needed :p in that particularly country i am there... wish i could do so

f.c : yeah almost all my posts are long... dont know it is good or bad >< but anyway glad you like them... do come often if you wanna see more pictures from me =p

the donG : hihihi yeah the burnished car is awesome =p wish i had time to visit the vineyard next time =p

fufu said...

Ayie : yeah the architecture is nice... but they have lesser cars >< still i prefer Mercedes Benz :) well you have a nice day there ya... take good care ok?

ET女子 said...

i love porsche,( jz can love & see) ~~ nice museum they built!!!!

the photo of the autume leaves & ur sport shoe is very very nice~~~

fufu said...

ET女子 : yeah then gotta visit Porsche museum if you come to germany ok? erm yeah the big maple leaf... purposely picked it for the picture =p glad you like it, thanks

迷迭香 said...

wow... i can spend a whole day there ^_^

summer said...

betty on the car is cute :p

fufu said...

迷迭香 : hohoho... trust me... you will be bored >< anyway mercedes benz is different... one whole day is alright... because many cars there to check out :)

summer : yeah she is so hiao ya =p

小煒 said...

all the building looks simple but still have the elegance feel...

so nice...
ialso want to there to stay!!

Agnes Sim said...

OMG!! lovely porche!! i like it too!! :p Long time din visit u lo...:-)

Matt said...

I love the pictures of the buildings, the architecture and the wonderful Porsche museum.

I think a few years from now when you celebrate your birthday, you might be buying a nice car - perhaps a Porsche?

In case I don't drop by on the 22nd, have a wonderful birthday Fufu. I hope you're not homesick. :-)

Lily Riani said...

strangely, i like the leave n shoe pic the most....ahahhah.... the colours are fantastic.

and the museum pic from top view...

nothing about the car wor...hemmm.... i guess love the merc better. ahhahah

垃圾魚-sookyee said...

how came Malaysia dun have this type of car?so amazing....80 cars...colorful...

海市蜃樓 said...


~eRiC~ said...

OOoo.. yea, it's so much worth it with 4 Euro only per enty. And, yea, malaysia cost more than that figure...

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots. Very lovely place.

foongpc said...

Wow! First it's Merz now Porsche! Such nice museums!!

foongpc said...

Btw, wishing Happy Birthday to you in advance in case I forget! : )

Sam Wong said...

design for only two persons?!how can o...very pro person
the car is very surprise to me but look not nice than Mercedes-Benz lo...hihi...
like the building design because of the escalator part..hehe!!

ladyviral said...

after looking at all these cars.. my first thought was "Transformers" hahaha!

Oh lovely porsche... oh lovely lovely! I want one too.

vialentino said...

sorry bro if i din visit ur site for long...was busy with my have the time to view ur site from cafe....

发白日梦^^ said...

my dream car ah....if im become billionaire,sure i will buy 3 porsche...hahahaha!!

fufu said...

小煒司礫 : yeah the architecture of the museum is awesome ya.. but if the display more cars, it can be be perfect =p you wanna come and stay here in germany? hihihi a nice place =) you will like the lifestyle here...but for retired people ya... ;)

Agnes Sim : yeah long time no see =p glad you still come back once a while ya... erm yeah porsche is nice... but i cant afford it ><

Matt : lol i think i wont get a porsche even though i have the money =p too many stuff waiting me to accomplish ya :) yeah the architecture and the collection are awesome... just wish they would display more cars... okok i will have a nice celebration on my 29th birthday =p thanks matt :)

fufu said...

Lily Riani : lol yeah good you were not only concentrate on those Porsche cars ya :) erm.. well those pictures of the building were taken from the internet =p you are right... i prefer mercedes-benz museum too n_<

垃圾魚-stacey : hahaha... they are all classics =p i think limited edition that only germany has :) you gotta come here and visit them... malaysia? hoho i wish proton can have a museum 20yrs later... we still dont have that much series...

海市蜃樓 : 談何容易? 
如果你比我錢既話 我一定會駕走一架

fufu said...

eRiC : yeah but mercedes-benz also only 4euro with a lanyard + audio guide + more nice cars... but well still ok lar Porsche :) at least i saw something i have never seen before =p

Rajesh : yeah a nice museum :)

foongpc : yeah both mercedes-benz and porsche are located in stuttgart =p of course gotta visit both la when go to stuttgart :) hihihi yeah thanks for the early birthday greeting =p

fufu said...

Sam Wong : yeah probably it's a sport cars and not family cars... only have 2 seats... but most of the racing cars have only 1 seat for the driver =p erm... yeah i agree that mercedes-benz is better :)

ladyviral : hahaha.... hohoho but sadly no trucks here... i mean porsche doesnt produce truck >< still mercedes-benz is suitable for transformer ya :) hohoho i think it's easy to get one in singapore... good luck!!

vialentino : yeah it's ok brother! just come when you are free ok? my blog has no legs wont run away... hehehe

fufu said...

发白日梦 : one for me right? hohohoho wish you can be a billionaire then :)

AliVe said...

omg !!!

三吉 said...

canon in D 很好听哦。。

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Many Happy Returns of the Day Mar 22 2010. Have a swinging day.

hs said...

Wow , quick quick go visit BMW showroom and museum, then let us know what's ur final decision.

jel said...

hey fufu,
stopping by to wish ya a early Happy Bday, hope it's a great one! :)

fufu said...

AliVe : hohoho 當面看到這一些車 :) 簡直看呆了我.... 你應該一定不想回家... 要在那兒過夜 =p

三吉 : yeah... not because of fengshui... is they want sun and spending the evening with family =p

Bananazക : hey thanks... really appreciated it lol

fufu said...

hs : hahaha... i will do so before i leave the country :) hohohoh

jel : yeah thank you thank you :) i am so happy you purposely dropped by to say happy birthday :p

fufu said...

hs : hahaha... i will do so before i leave the country :) hohohoh

jel : yeah thank you thank you :) i am so happy you purposely dropped by to say happy birthday :p

Reddie said...

387km/h?!? cool!

Casendra said...

what a tour... great one!

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